Hi all. I'm. Sarah I'm a married Mum of 1 little one. I'm trying to loose weight to feel. Good about myself and to get back into my old jeans. I'm doing slimming world as well as this. I run on my own and it gives me time not to think about work children husband cleaning etc. Time for me. But also.time to accomplish something.
I just finished the 1st session in the couch to 5k. I made it! It was hard! I'm Hoping it gets easier haha. I've never run in my life so my body is screaming at me at the moment.
I can't leave a day between my runs because the only times I can do it is Friday Saturday and Sundays. Anyone else not do the day rest. I figure it's better I do 3 in a role than none at all?
Looking forward to hearing from other couches lol. X