CATCH-UP CORNER...August...WEEK 3... Slip off ... - Couch to 5K

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CATCH-UP CORNER...August...WEEK 3... Slip off the running shoes and come on in.. There a cushion here for everyone !

Oldfloss profile image
38 Replies

Feeling your age? Then this is the place for you!

Hello everyone,., yes, here I am again... another week passed and I an hoping that no one melted!

It has been hot and I am glad to say, that although folk have been out and about they have been sensible... haven't you! last little outing was before the hot days and what with pre-birthday lunches for daughter and raucous play in a large paddling pool, with small runner in training, I am hoping that now I am back at the coast I may get a short jogette in!

Travelled yesterday in the new car... and just chilled for a while !

It has been a tad quiet on the forums this last week, but I do know that some of you are still pressing on, when it is safe to do so! If you have not been able to run... then as we all know, the runs do wait for us:)

Now, as you would expect, I have some time here , to think... and thinking I have been. My thoughts were greatly helped by a post that I read yesterday and the replies and my ramble this week, is based on the subject of the post!

You may have guessed from the tag and the photo what the topic may be? It is not just about age, or older runners, but it does focus, a tad, on the more seasoned of us!

I must admit, looking at the replies on the post I was really interested to see just how many runners, who I have not really come across on my duties here, are counted as the 'older' runner!

We have had loads of surveys on here about the average age of our running friends, and some great posts too, have been posted, on the same subject. IannodaTruffe certainly wrote a few on running for the older person! We do range from the youngest to the oldest and the running, wonderfully, is our common bond!

Now,what I found interesting also, is, how many of the repeaters of C25K are in the, more seasoned camp! Just proving that age really does not take away the desire to run or the performance that follows!

Age can really, be, just a number.

Yes. that number may seem very large and weigh heavy at times...but doesn't that apply at any age? I remember my daughter, crying inconsolably when she became a teenager. She confessed to me that she did not want to be grown up, she wanted to be like Peter Pan...and the news that, “... all children , except one, grow up”, did little to console her.

For me, it was reaching 30! Oh goodness, what an age that seemed... and yet now, I have probably had more and more fun as I have totted up the years. Finding running at 65, reaching 5K , then 10 K and then running my first HM at 69m just to see if I was able... and continuing to run still!

We all have milestones, we all have ages that we maybe fear? But, we reach them, we pass them, we take our experiences with us as we move on.

The fact is, we do have to acknowledge certain aspects of ageing and running, but again, that applies at any age... injury, illness, life changes all impact on our running, and that was a subject touched on in a past Catch-Up post... Acknowledge, Accept and Adapt... and that is exactly what we do!

Please, do check out the post written by hamit , and all the replies.

The replies demonstrate how amazing this C25K programme is; it starts us on a running route that will take us to the most amazing places, places that we may never have dreamt of when we began. They demonstrate the fact that age really does not matter, what matters is the way we view it, the way we handle it and the way we accept and adapt. This applies at whatever age we are .

So for anyone just beginning this great programme, rest assured, you can begin at any age and the running does not stop just because we get older... it goes on, as long as you are able and as long as the runs bring you joy.

How amazing is that?

One of my favourite quotations?

“There will come a day, when I can no longer run; Today is not that day”.

So... enough of the ramble... we all need to know exactly how you are all going on.... too hot.... no runs or early or late runs. Grab a cushion.... slip off your running shoes and share.

Looking forward to seeing you here soon,

Oldfloss x

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Oldfloss profile image
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38 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Good post from you Oldfloss, age as they say is just a number, I am now 76 but still run, bike ride and go long walks especially in the winter, I am inspired by runners over the age of 80. When I started C25K I wondered how long I would be able run for, perhaps late 70's but when I see several runners in that age group and the 80/84 age group at several parkruns, including the one I go to it makes me think that I might still be able to run at least up to when I am 80,

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to AlMorr

Absolutely inspiring Al... I have watched your progress over time...there are so many inspirational over 80s too... I think you will be there.

One advantage I find, with being an older runner is that because I do not work ( paid) , I do have the luxury of time. Time to run when able, time to relax and time to recover. Although small runner in training does love to take up that time... happily x

Just doing what we are able, enjoying it and always listening to our bodies... again, applies to everyone.

Long may you continue your adventures! x

AlMorr profile image
AlMorrAmbassadorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thanks Oldfloss ✅👍🏃🏾

nowster profile image

I'm continuing on in spite of the heat. Thankfully most of the runs the watch demands are short ones, and I'm doing them during the evenings when it's ever so slightly cooler.

I did do two really hard ones in the heat at the weekend: on the sand at Pwllheli on Saturday, and 13km round country roads near Aberdaron on Sunday morning. In both of them I walked portions which is unlike me.

As to age, I wasn't able to run before the age of 51. I'm glad of every day I can run. My next door neighbour is over eighty and still runs.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to nowster

You are doing wonderfully especially, with the Llyn runs!!! Cooler here today but has ben glorious... ( rained a tad, inland at Beddgelert).Those evening runs sound refreshing... I have only run in the evening when I did the Marcothon., a while back... ( running every day in December). I am always un awe of folk who run after work too!

Running from aged 51... you certainly are making up for lost time !

SueAppleRun profile image

A very meaningful post Floss, I sometimes feel quite young when seeing the ages of a lot of runners on here and wish for their turn of speed. The thing is…… being a slow runner means it takes a long time to go anywhere far, but one day with friends we walked along our seafront route and I was amazed at how slow it all felt, how far it seemed to be and how I wanted to run off ahead like an impatient child……so still here, still running, and today I’ve rested, running and swimming after work has taken its toll so I’m curled up on one of your cushions with a book by one of my favourite authors, reading of wonderful things and the fight between dark and light! Tomorrow is another day

Keep well keep running keep writing, you touch the hearts and souls of many of us and encourage us to keep going.

Thank you xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

It is very odd how all this affects us, isn't it?

But you are so right; speed and everything else take on different meanings. We may perceive ourselves as slow, but as you found...not as slow as we may think?

You work so hard and having you here, curled up with a book that sounds, right up my street is so good. !

You are indeed, rested, recovering and, running still and very well done to you!

Thank you, my friend x

SueAppleRun profile image
SueAppleRunGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

It’s been a wonderfully restorative day, we’ve had rain thunder and lightening, we’ve had good food music and reading, i’ve washed clothes so they are ready to put on for work in the morning and at peace with myself, it’s lovely here thanks Floss xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to SueAppleRun

What a lovely day you had and I hope you slept easy, and have a day at work that finds you refreshed and recharged. x

Frenc profile image

Hello there Oldfloss ! Like you, my 30th birthday was filled with absolute dread. I remember just wanting to stay in bed all day 😁. I am 53 and will be 54 next week. I started running with C25K about 20 months ago and sometimes I get a little bit wistful - why didn’t I do it decades ago? But the way I see it, the next few and more decades will be quality decades because I’m now a runner 😊. Anyway, I ran as little as I could get away with during the heat, and am looking forward to some stonkingly good runs in cooler weather! I still catch myself during a run sometimes and think wow, I’m a runner, and that is so cool! All the best 😊😊😊.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Frenc

I was the is so weird...! Somehow, the starting later can make it more special? I ran fast as a teenager... but this is different!Glad to hear you stayed safe and cool... and yes, when the cooler weather comes in, the runs will be really welcome!

Yes... you are a runner and an awesome one too!

Stay chilled my friend x

RainbowC profile image

I’m almost exactly 10 years older than when I first started running - literally just a few weeks off! Staring down the barrel of 50, but getting there will be a celebration if I make it that far 😄

I’m all of one run into my umpteenth restart, and have no idea if I’ll be able to keep going, but it’s good to feel that I’m taking control again and making positive choices for myself. And having the peaceful alone time of a run is always wonderful, so there’s an incentive to keep going :)

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to RainbowC

You will, you will; still keep going and you will make those choices and take control.The restarts work, however many we make, and eventually we get where we wish to be.

We are stronger than we think... and together, supporting each other, we do overcome the problems, somehow!

I rarely say, on the forums, how low I feel sometimes, but like you, the peace and freedom and pure joy of the runs, keep me trying.... as they will you, and, there are so many folk here running with us, unseen, but still, carrying us along xx

Oldfloss profile image

Shout-outs to a few folk who have not been sitting on their cushions here for a while. I am hoping that all is well and that they are so busy running or staying active, that they haven't time to pop in! I do know many friends have moved on to more running experiences. races and challenges, which is fantastic, and so good for us all to see!Tagging here.. Marvincat ( Who I spotted the other day, thank goodness), Mum22boys Elfe5 Lola-bear Greenthorn Hidden Greenrunner47 LiisaM Oldgirlruns BarbieW Over60sRunner Gottostartsomewhere Indielass00 grumpyoldgirl

Indielass00 profile image
Indielass00Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

sorry for delay in response Oldfloss . I was on IC again with Sciatica so feeling a bit down in the dumps. I’m back at the beginning of C25K and just taking it one step at a time again. Hope you are well xx

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Indielass00

Gosh.. no worries... hope you are feeling better now.. sciatica is horrible.. and so wearing too!

I'm doing okay thanks.. still steady and slwo, building back up to previous heights :) Ha ha!!!

New Catch-Up Corner reopening in NOVEMBER!!!

Indielass00 profile image
Indielass00Graduate in reply to Oldfloss

I’m ok now thanks. Unfortunately I just get flare ups from time to time. Glad you are well 😀

BarbieW profile image
BarbieWGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

hi Floss, not been a good time for me I’m afraid. Just started chemotherapy after a mastectomy in September and feeling really rough. I know I need to get off my backside and go out, and I have moved to a new flat that is close to the town gardens, which are only 1/2 k round, but at least that gives me a measurable distance to improve on. I did have a try just before the operation but the knees couldn’t cope with more than one circuit , so I’ve taken a serious break from running for a little while.

But at least I made sure the new flat had somewhere to store my running gear so I’m sure I’ll get back in time. I do need to keep myself fit after all, the hospital have advised that!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to BarbieW

Please may I post this, on this weeks Catch Up Corner ? xxx

BarbieW profile image
BarbieWGraduate in reply to Oldfloss


David_G profile image

Hi Oldfloss and running friends, I graduated C25K in my mid-50s and I’m still going, in fact I’m training for the virtual London Marathon in October. I never ever would have thought I’d be in this position! It’s only through the support of friends on here, out there in the real world and particularly at my running club that I’ve got this far.

I hope I’ll be able to continue my running for as long as possible - who knows, I may even try an ultra marathon when I’m in my 60s!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to David_G

You certainly will be able to go for that Ultra... you are a mere youngster :) If I did my first HM at 69!!!You are doing wonderfully and I do as you know follow your progress. How lucky we are, to share each other's running as well as running ourselves!

That London one is getting closer now!!!!!

M0use profile image

What is it with reaching 30? I really struggled with that particular milestone too, the decades since have passed without drama and looking back I really don't know why it stung so much. I suppose I miss the energy of my long lost youth but I'm grateful to still be here and I think I'm finally gaining some wisdom and perspective. I've done no running at all for a week, far too hot and humid to think about doing anything apart from keeping the old folk and dog cool but rain finally arrived yesterday and although it's still humid it's definitely cooler so I set out for an early one this morning, nothing too far or too strenuous but lovely to get out and stretch my legs again. This has become an important part of my life in a very short time and it still surprises me. Take care everyone and keep running 🏃‍♀️😊

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to M0use

I have no idea! I felt that it was a huge age! Was it just a leaving of youth behind, because as you are realising and I also, that is not the case at all.

You seem to have your head around what is evolving, as I am, ( about time for me too),.

Wisdom... perspective I think we gain wisdom through experience. but for me, it is the perspective that I have to keep the reins on!

I am glad that you have had some rain, we do need it, hopefully you will be able to venture out when the humidity abates.

Here at the coast, a fresh breeze and sunshine called me out, for a very short, but sweet, run along the deserted beach.

The runs do indeed, quickly become a part of us... wonderfully!

Take care and stay cool x

Tazzy_wazzy profile image

I’m doing C25K for the second time, dragging my husband along with me. We’ve done W9R2 this morning in this nice cooler weather. I’m 58 and hubby is 73. We’ve done well so far, I’m so proud of my hubby because it’s the first time completing for him. So yes, age is just a number. I’m feeling great since going back to running even if it’s not pleasurable at times. I shall keep running for as long as I can until my body tells me not to do it anymore.

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Tazzy_wazzy

All sounding so positive and enjoyable! A first timer at 73, is admirable, and serves only to prove that it is never too late to begin something new!

The runs may be tricky at times and depending on the day, the weather, our physical state, even the gentlest run may prove hard. But... we run , and that is the main thing!

A huge well done to both of you!

Tazzy_wazzy profile image
Tazzy_wazzyGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you 🏃‍♀️👍

123gogo profile image

Nice post, Oldfloss. I guess I consider myself a bit 'seasoned' at 56 but saying that, I am quite active with biking, yoga, running, etc. I have noticed that in aging, I am more aware of my body and my limits. For example, last month I biked 1188 kms in 14 days...but this month with the heatwave and my inability to get up at 6 am to run...well, the running took a backseat for awhile. I weaned myself back into it this week though with 2 runs albeit short and sweet (15 and 20 minutes) to remind me to listen to my body and not overdo it. I'm not out to prove anything to others or myself. This is purely for pleasure. I must admit that I am pretty chuffed with myself. When I began the C25k program late January, it was simply a challenge for me, to see if I could do it. But I have discovered that I enjoy the running- the getting out there, trying new routes, setting new goals, the sense of accomplishment afterwards. This has been an unexpected surprise...and a mighty fine one. I'm hoping to continue on and on. Today is not the day I can no longer run!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to 123gogo

Sounding so good! You seem to have got what you want to do, sorted out.Listening to our body is a must ...I definitely listen harder now....and I take notice.

That heat was draining....and easing back was the way.

We are so lucky .. every run...different!

Well done you!

123gogo profile image
123gogoGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you...and yes, that heat was draining. We're back to cooler temperatures now and I've even just put on a sweater cause the night air seems chilly. It will be great for sleeping, though! Take care, Oldfloss...

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to 123gogo

You too x

Mummycav profile image

Thank you Oldfloss …I remember reaching 30 too…what a milestone that seemed…I think I cried as soon as I woke up!! When I got to work and there were balloons & banners on the door too…& I turned up with my bottom lip on the floor! as the day went on and I spoke to more and more of my customers I felt so much better & I think it was at that point that my attitude to life changed…I decided to take the bull by the horns and GROW UP!

Completing c25k was a massive deal for me, I was so proud of myself! I’ve been on the forum now for 5 years and I have seen so many older people start their running journey in the 60/70’s…how inspirational is that?!

I’m still plodding…not as often as I would like, but I’m still getting out there…not when it’s hot though, I hate running in the heat….it was an early one for me this morning x

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to Mummycav

Oh gosh... so many of us felt like this, I thought I was the only one ! So odd... !

But yes, what a long way you have travelled. I remember you starting this so well and have been privileged to be part of your running over the five years!

There are so many inspirational folk on here, it gives many of us a reason to keep going, keep trying and lets us know that just because are again, is no reason at all to give up !

I know you are fitting the runs in when you are able, as are so many of us right now! I too, an finding it tricky to get the runs in... but, as we both know, those runs are patient, and, when we are able, how sweetly they repay us:)

Take care, lovely lady! x

Mummycav profile image
MummycavAdministratorGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

Thank you my lovely friend…you are def my inspiration x

LiisaM profile image

Okay, I am finally replying and see that you shouted out to me among others! I meant to get to this, but have been BUSY! Yes, I've been "jogging" (e.g., not "running," but jogging for a little longer than c25k+ with YOUR coach B! E.g., I've been trying to extend the length of my effort a bit. As I wrote this, a certain dog/puppy(?) was crashing her food dish around in her pen--a call for me to feed her! I am trying to extend my muscle exercises a bit this week and noted with pleasure that I'm actually doing more effort than I have in previous years which engendered a good feeling in me. So! What has kept me busy? We had a new roof put on. That was a mess--folk walking around, spreading tarps for debris, trying to walk Puppy when LOTS of workers here, trying to avoid close contact (e.g., covid,) etc., but now the roof is on and I'm waiting for a new gutter to replace one that wild grape vines dragged down--and a new slider door.... So, One Who Barks to Demand Attention needs a walk, so I'm off again!

Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM

A new roof... new activities, new exercise, new running and feeling the benefits of all of it.Well, that, in my book, is success in every quarter!

You, my friend are sounding so much stronger, and your determination shines through.

Enjoy the feeling, celebrate your achievements... very well done you!


Don't get TOO attached to CB... he is with me this week ! x

LiisaM profile image
LiisaMGraduate in reply to Oldfloss

CB has been a real benefit to me and thank you very much for our introduction. I am using the “Calm and strong” mantra not just while running, but in my daily life, too. Thank you, OF. This was a real blessing yesterday. My report hides my issues because of “Calm and strong!”Ever forward!


Oldfloss profile image
OldflossAdministratorGraduate in reply to LiisaM


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