White Rabbits everyone
June is here, the CORNER revamp is almost complete...almost!
The month of May provided me with time to catch up with a fair few things and I have had some incredible, strength and stamina work in the process. Shed moving , garden re-organisation and extra care time with our small runner in training has worked wonders for my core strength!
The view from the Corner this week, is lovely right now.... greens and golds, yellows and blues...Just the sort of place where we can grab a cushion, and sit a while
NOW... because the Corner has been closed for a week, and because numbers in the forum are increasing daily, I thought I would just update any NEW runners joining us, on what the Corner is all about.
So, here we go! ( Apologies to those of you who already know this)!
I have been around here on the C25K forum for ages and we used to, always have a, Weekly Chat... or a What's your week, post.
It was great. I knew many, many folk by name and was able to follow and watch the progress!
Folk , who did not wish to, or have time to, write a long post, could pop in and just chat to each other. It was a place to talk about your running, your successes and your set backs. Just a relaxed line or two, to see where we all were and where we might be going. I relied on those chats when I started Couch nearly seven years ago.
The chats were a place where we felt we were not alone, that there were others out there who were feeling just the same as ourselves with our running.
They really gave meaning to the words, “Friendship is born at that moment, when one person says to another...what, you too ? “
Well, a while back we were desperately short of our volunteer Admin team members and with all our other duties, some posts had to go and these chats were included. We lost our meeting place...
We need to chat, we need to share and we need somewhere to do it. So, I decided with the agreement of the rest of the Admin Team to open up the CATCH-UP CORNER. Back in November it was launched and has proved to be a safe restful place for forum friends to exchange ideas and experiences.
The number of folk on the forum increases daily, the numbers are just mind blowing... and although it is increasingly tricky to keep up with everyone's progress... it is great to have a little, fun post, so we can see who is on which week of the programme, and hopefully it will help everyone to feel more included on the forum.
We can Support, Encourage and generally Help each other, in a Positive and Friendly way, with no thought of comparison. We can have a little moan and we can pass on our ideas too.
You can chat here, wherever you are; just beginning, in the middle, or nearly at the finish line of the C25K.
You can chat here, even if you have Graduated, and are repeating bits of C25K again ! We have a fair few folk around at the moment who are doing just that.
Please remember it doesn't matter if you stay on the same week for a while, that is fine; it is a journey and it really doesn't matter how long it takes, it will be so worth it when you get to the final run. Just pop in and tell us all about it!
I am really hoping that some of you NEW RUNNERS will give this a try, and will pop in, in a sort of regular way.
Catching up, as we are finding out in these, still quite strange times can be great fun!
I shall post Catch up Corner, each week and be giving some ideas and links here and there, ( and maybe popping on some of my famous ( infamous??) rambling and rhymes!
YOU can add things all through the week and I will be here.
So please, please, do think about joining in the fun, just slip off your running shoes, relax, and just let us know how your running and your exercising is going
I shall be giving some of our regulars here a shout out tomorrow, in case they have forgotten where the Corner is located
Fingers crossed that we see some of you here very soon.
Oldfloss! x
Please do check out some of the past Catch-Up posts... they will give you an idea of what goes on here x