SueAppleRun - this one's for you. A promise is a promise!
The last few days have been both tiring and stressful with the result that I didn't get out today until late morning. The weather was a perfect 6 degrees, with no wind and bright blue skies. The woods were really busy with welly-clad dog walkers and family groups enjoying the sunshine, and trying to avoid the worst of the mud. Thank goodness for my trusty trail shoes!
I found this run much easier than the last. The first 3 minute run interval was much less of a struggle during which I doubled back to avoid some horse riders ahead of me on a narrow muddy path, only to find them later on, standing still completely blocking the junction of 3 paths, oblivious to everyone else.
I think I've been more stressed than I thought, and I didn't realise how much I needed this run today, until it was done. I most definitely had a runners high at the end and the buzz has stayed with me all day,
Looking at the stats afterwards I was amazed to see my pace for the final 3 minute run interval was 6:55/km. Its a long time since that's happened, even if it was only for a short period of time.
Week 4 - bring it on!