I've been plodding away with couch to 5k (plodding definitely being the operative word with my speed π) knowing this 20 minute run was nearing ever closer. I've not been looking forward to it, and felt it was too soon for me to try. In fact I was initially going to throw in another interval run or two first before trying it, especially as run 2 of the week was HARD - I actually thought I was going to vomit after the second 8 minute run π However I then thought, why write myself off before I've even attempted the run? Give it a go and then if it doesn't work out do some more interval runs.
So I gave it a go - and I did it! And it actually went pretty well π The fact it's a bit cooler today definitely helped, and I had music on to give me something else to focus on. I also had my running mantra all ready for the especially tough parts but I didn't need it (I try and save it for the moments when I'm really struggling).
The moral of my story? As everyone else has said in the past - trust in the programme. And if you're not sure you can make the next step up, why not give it a go anyway and see how you get on? You may surprise yourself! I certainly did πππ