Help me : I need motivation, I just can’t seem... - Couch to 5K

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Help me

Hawkeye99 profile image
25 Replies

I need motivation, I just can’t seem to get of the sofa to start this whole process again

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Hawkeye99 profile image
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25 Replies
carolinestanford profile image

You can do it! Think how fabulous you will feel once it’s done ✅🤗

cherylwilky profile image

Come on you can do this, I feel the same but once I’m out there and have succeeded, I feel so much better

I totally get that it's hard getting going but somebody told me once that it's all in the preparation.

Mentally, physically and practically.

E.g don't set yourself up to fail.

I am only just at the end of week 3 and still get butterflies before a run because I'm scared of failure.

I'm very overweight and out of shape but I've managed to get over the initial hurdles and so can you. There are all ages, shapes and sizes here and everyone is so lovely and supportive that it keeps you going.

Think about what you need to get started and put it together.

Some loose clothing for running in and some trainers.

Think about your route.

Plan what time you want to get out on your run days.

Hydrate properly the night before any run.

Have some music, it keeps you company and lifts your mood.

Check in here before a run for some motivation and some love 😁😁 and check in after.

We are all behind you. I don't think I'd have made week 3 if it wasn't for such a supportive group here and you'll get loads of advice.

Get prepared and get going. You'll amaze yourself I promise x

in reply to

I felt just the same - and has a sort of mental stop around week 4 but decided to repeat the run until I felt it was time to move on.

My motivation is a reward at the end - sit in a chair with my water and just chill after each run and listen to the birds for 30 mins up to an hour. Something I never normally do. No guilty as I have done the run.

Visualise your treat as you go out. Put on your music and nail it!

Good luck!

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome back to the forum.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

Motivation has to come from either do want to do this or you don't.

You may prefer to languish on the sofa and statistically increase your risk of life limiting conditions associated with inactivity with each passing day or you may wish to feel alive and vital and take control of your future health outcomes, as much as you can.

You have started before, so you know you can do this.

Put your gear on and walk out the door..........pretty easy really.

Enjoy your journey.

Mwuahaha profile image
MwuahahaGraduate in reply to IannodaTruffe

I had to screenshot your comment and will look at this if I ever need some motivation.

IannodaTruffe profile image
IannodaTruffeMentor in reply to Mwuahaha

You can do this.

Keep posting and we will keep you running...........take it easy and enjoy the new you.

Greenthorn profile image
Greenthorn in reply to IannodaTruffe

Damn good answer!

Dexy5 profile image
Dexy5Graduate in reply to Greenthorn

That’s why he’s an admin 😉

spongecat profile image

It doesn't matter whether you walk, swim, spin, lift weights, run or loads of other things there is one might walk out of the house feeling doubtful/can't be bothered or whatever but when you have finished you feel better in mind and spirit and a feeling of satisfaction that you carried on through and did it!

I know loads of people who have walked into a gym for a workout saying, "I really don't want to do this today" and leave an hour later saying, "I'm so glad I came in and did this and I'm going to sleep like a log tonight!". :) Every time!

Hold that feeling and repeat.

Sometimes the hardest thing is getting togged up and walking out of your door. Get prepared so you feel comfortable for your run. Do you need to wear some sunglasses? Get some inspiring tunes lined up on your phone to run alongside the NHS C25k app if you are using that. Do some leg swings, walking lunges etc. to wake up and prepare your body.

This is for YOU. Goodness knows we need to look after ourselves at the moment and our bodies are high precision instruments of wonder!

You will feel GREAT when you come back from your run because it's for YOU! Own it!🌟

Tasha99 profile image

Move! Stop making excuses! After the run you’ll feel great and then remember that feeling to motivate you for the next run. Or, sit there annoyed at yourself more 🤔

Smile23 profile image

Step by step,run by run. Think you can not you cannot. You will be able to do this.

Run4Hills profile image

‘Start this whole process again’, you said. Sounds like there was a problem last time so it wasn’t that enjoyable. Injury? Too much going on? Going out too fast so it was always knackering? Not drinking enough water?

Well done for deciding to give it another go. How about changing things -route/music/ t-shirt/time of day -so it doesn’t feel the same as before? Don’t overthink things. Mornings are best for me. I get up and get out the door. I take a tiny yoghurt drink sized bottle of water with me in my pocket- for emergencies. A sip is often enough. Go for it.

RWgirl profile image

Just think of the reasons WHY you are even contemplating it in the first place and hopefully they will provide the motivation you need! 🤞

Pugwash profile image

"As soon as you run you've won". It maybe 50m or 500m, doesn't matter.

Sharklet69 profile image

You are obviously motivated enough to join the forum so well done. You can do it...Lace up those trainers and focus on how amazing you will feel after wk1r1. We were all in a similar situation before we started, it's daunting but it is ultimately achievable. Good luck 😃🍀

Jimioldlegs profile image

The biggest step you take on this journey is out of the front it!!!I can't really say I enjoy the running part but feel great when I'm finished. Then my heart is racing and I'm sweating buckets..must be good for me. I know I'm plagiarizing, but...just do it🥵🥵

Jimioldlegs profile image

PS, Nothing worthwhile is easy.

booksie profile image

I'm sure loads of others will be motivated by most of these replies so hopefully you will be too. Don't think too far ahead - just take the first step and your off...

mrrun profile image

Motivation? Why do you want to run? You want to improve your cardio, get stronger, lose weight, or all three? Choice A is yes, choice B is no. That's your motivation. It's very, very simple. You either do want to do it, or you don't.

BradC profile image

I’m 73 and just did W9R2. If I can do it, maybe you can. 😊

WhenIm64 profile image

Hi. It doesn't have to be 'this whole process' You don't have to commit to some sort of continuous challenge. Just go out and do something enjoyable - maybe walk for 10 minutes then jog (gently) back for as long as you feel happy. Do it when the weather's just right. You're in control. If you feel better for doing it, do it again, when you're ready. No-one is watching. No pressure. It's just for you.

Hawkeye99 You have lots of really supportive and motivational responses here, but you haven't responded to any of them. People have taken a lot of time and thoughtfulness to try and help you. It wouldn't take much to express your gratitude and this could be your first step back to running.

Good luck

JetsNanna profile image

Lots of responses so far and I agree with all of them but my tip for you would be to start the program in the morning because waiting until the afternoon/evening gives you too much opportunity to procrastinate and find reasons NOT to try.

All of us were fretful over taking the plunge but I promise you the sense of achievement that you will feel FAR outweighs any effort you make, any misguided self-consciousness you might feel or any pre-run nerves.

Give it a try and let us all know how you get on. You can do this. 😉

MarybellM profile image

Hi there! My guess is that you posted on here, not realising that you’d get so many responses. It’s an amazing and caring forum. I have posted similar cries for help and have been totally overwhelmed by the support. I completed the programme last year, then had a bereavement which knocked me for a while but now I’m back and on Week 4. When you pick up your phone and check the forum, I hope you too will get the push you need. Reading through all the replies has actually been helpful to me and I’m sure to many others. You can do it! 😊

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