After 3 days off, I set out for my first post grad run this morning. I didn't have a clear plan until I started, but felt OK so the plan evolved into trying to go just a little faster. Not fast, haha, I don't think fast is in the equation yet (if ever) but a tad faster than I have been going.
My normal pace is just over 10 minutes per kilometre, and that has remained steady throughout the longer runs of the programme. Today, I ran just short of 3 k, with an average pace of I'm quite happy with that.
Next run will either be a hilly one or intervals.. this week I'm just playing with things, after that, possibly will choose a new programme to follow.
So...still running! What I don't want to do is kill the enjoyment of running. Much will, therefore, be done at my happy pace.
Onwards.. happy running all...