Nervous about W5R3 tomorrow : I'm very proud of... - Couch to 5K

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Nervous about W5R3 tomorrow

Jigglyjiggly_puff profile image

I'm very proud of myself for how far I've come but w5r2 i struggled with the last 8 min run. I didnt stop, i somehow managed to power through but now I'm really nervous about my run tomorrow because I know its a 20 min run with no walking inbetween. Does anyone have any tips to help me?

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Jigglyjiggly_puff profile image
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44 Replies
AlMorr profile image

Don't worry about that run, the program has prepared you for it, once you have completed it you will be very proud of yourself, good luck, run it slow and steady 🏃🏾 👍

You'll be totally fine. You're ready for this. As AlMorr said, take it nice n slow and the 20 minutes will have passed before you know it! Good luck!

chunkypie profile image

Everyone has felt the same. Tbh I found it one of the easier runs in the programme. You can run it and already have in intervals. It's just getting you mind past the 20 mins 🙂

It's a mind-over-matter run. Just keep thinking about the sense of achievement you will have once it's done 😀

Jigglyjiggly_puff profile image
Jigglyjiggly_puff in reply to

thanks! I cant wait for that feeling tomorrow once I've done it 😊

Kat1e_ profile image

I was daunted by this run too! Just keep going. One foot in front of the other. The body can stand almost anything it's your mind you need to convince.....cliché i know but it works for me! Good luck 👍

Thank you all for your kind words! I'm feeling pumped now! Ill take it easy and see how I get on 😊

IannodaTruffe profile image

It is the shortest workout since W3, so relax and enjoy it.

This breakdown explains it all

girlsjustwannarun profile image

It’s 100% a mental challenge, 20 minutes may seem like such a long time but concentrate on your pace and watching your surroundings and you’ll be amazed at how fast it goes! Number 1 tip is to not clock watch 😂 Good luck, the program has prepared you for this. You’ve got this!

JetsNanna profile image

I think everyone feels the same way about this run but you are ready. Just stay positive and go slowly - don’t rush. You’ve got this!!

Kneejerker profile image

Yes we all have these worries, I know I did. In the end though it was fine. ( to my surprise,)Stick to the routine ,listen to your coach, perhaps go a little slower , especially at the start, try and focus on something other than getting to the end Of the run , e.g for me I found trying to concentrate on breathing helped.

Don’t be hard on yourself, and enjoy your achievements and the running adventure. And if things don’t go exactly to plan , take a little more time perhaps sticking on week 5 for a couple of weeks before you feel you would like to move on.

Good luck and best wishes on C25K journey.

EmmaJH18 profile image

I remember feeling the same, how am I going to go from 8 mins to 20 mins, but I did and felt absolutely amazing afterwards, take it slowly.

Amberessence profile image

You are ready and you will do it, and it feels amazing. I was scared too but take it slow , you’ll find your rhythm. Do let us know how you get on 👍 .

DMG64 profile image

Ditto to all previous comments. Take your time , choose some inspiring music , relax and you will enjoy it . Let us know how you get on . 👍

Magellan profile image

Slow down. Then slow down again. When you feel as if you can’t go any slower, slow down again. Then enjoy the rest of your run.

Good luck, but you need less luck than you think.

Pinkpeoni profile image

I also struggled yesterday with the second 8 min run and am nervous about the 20 min one tomorrow. This is my first post and I am so glad I found this fabulous forum 😊 I feel so much better and encouraged after reading the positive replies and advice - we can do this! 😊

Jigglyjiggly_puff profile image
Jigglyjiggly_puff in reply to Pinkpeoni

It was easier than w5r2! You can do it! I think i could have gone further!

Pinkpeoni profile image
Pinkpeoni in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

That’s fantastic!!! Well done 😊😊 hopefully I’ll be all good tomorrow!

DonnaKP profile image

I was nervous about that one and even dreaded it, but once I started and I got the first 5 mins over I knew I could run 15mins no probs. One foot in front of the other....

Daiwalker profile image

Don't see it as a 20 min run. You've done 8 minutes and struggled, so how about 5 minutes? Maybe see it as 4x 5 minute runs. Break it down into manageable chunks. After 10 minutes everything is on the "home straight".

As others have said, the program has prepared you so you can do this and 20 minutes will fly by. Go and surprise yourself. We're all behind you.

Lanky_Lancy profile image

Like you, W5R2 shook my confidence a bit, but W5R3 was a positive turning point. You’ll surprise yourself!

Plattszo profile image

I counted up to 10 minutes, then down from 10 😉😉 not gonna lie, I had to grit my teeth and get through it, but this is where determination and mind over matter kicks in!!

Hope it goes well- I am sure you will do it.

Just remember, the programme so far has trained you for this. You CAN do it!!

Joglearner profile image

I remember I was a bit apprehensive about that run, but the best advice I read was that you have already done 21 minutes of cardiovascular activity ie 8 minute run + 5 minute walk + 8 minute run. The 20 minute run is a whole minute less. You will smash it!

Lookslikejames profile image

As above, I was worried and thought I wouldn’t do it. After completing that run, my mindset changed completely and I no longer felt worried or stressed, I went into every run with confidence. I’m sure you will do it, but if you don’t? Hey who cares, every journey is different. There’s no harm in repeating a week to build on your fitness. I think the key to success is taking the challenges and any obstacles on with positivity, as after all this is more a mental challenge than physical. Good luck and keep us posted!

Gymbunny55 profile image

Just go out with a positive outlook. You will do it and be so proud of yourself afterwards. Take it slow and steady and enjoy xx Good luck 😉

Phphan profile image

Good morning. As I type this, maybe you are out there now, but if not - I wrote this after the same run 6 months ago... " I was SO nervous about this run, and I just wish that I had read/ heard what Laura said during “the” run.

here’s a summary:

1)You have come this far. If you have completed the program up until now you CAN physically do this, you just need to pace yourself and remember to breath.

2)Today’s run is really about training your mind and getting it used to running longer distance

So, Just run, and if you think about stopping ask yourself why. If it’s your mind telling you, either ignore it or remind it you can do this.

Find YOUR own way of continuing.

Today i achieved something I never thought I could, and it would have been much less painful if I had just believed I could" you should be proud. cant wait to hear how you get on.

snailface profile image

Go slower you’ll be fine and still get there

It’s amazing how slow you can jog 😂


Wow so many positive and encouraging comments, thank you to you all! Feeling the love 💙!

I did the run this morning and it felt amazing!!! I went slow and concentrated on my breathing. I think could have been easier than w5r2?! My fitbit says I ran for 2.08km, is that too slow?

I read a lot of the comments above before my run and it put me in a good mindset. Thanks again!

KayBee1000 profile image
KayBee1000Graduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

Well done you!!!!

Please don’t look at how far you’re running. Although the plan is called C25k the aim at the end is to run for 30 minutes - that could take you any distance, it doesn’t matter!

The right speed to run at is one where you run for the set amount of time, comfortably. Your comment that you could have run further shows you weren’t going too fast and pushing yourself unnecessarily, you ran at a comfortable pace.

Well done again for getting past the mental barrier of this run - often in running the blocks we face are mental rather than physical.

If I may give you some advice for your future self; after you’ve graduated and finished this plan you’ll probably have runs that just don’t feel good - your legs are heavy, your breathing is all wrong, you just don’t feel good - and that’s ok! Just chalk it up to a bad day and move on. Don’t dwell on what you’ve done ‘wrong’, most of us have runs like that.

Enjoy the rest of the plan, you’ve got this!

👍 🏃‍♀️

Jigglyjiggly_puff profile image
Jigglyjiggly_puff in reply to KayBee1000

Thanks for the advice, I will bare that in mind 😊

Plattszo profile image
PlattszoGraduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

yes!! Excellent news!! GET. IN!! Well done.... starting to feel like a "runner"? You should do!! You are one 🥰

nowster profile image
nowsterGraduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

There is no such thing as too slow.

As long as at some point in your stride both feet are off the ground, you're running.

johnm12 profile image
johnm12Graduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

fantastic. Trust the programme. We've all been there. It will probably surprise you the change in psychology. You were physically ready, but hadnt done it so were worried. Now you,ve done it, the gremlins have been given a good kicking!. Onward fellow runner!!

JetsNanna profile image
JetsNannaGraduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

Well done - we all knew that you could do it 😊

Lookslikejames profile image
LookslikejamesGraduate in reply to Jigglyjiggly_puff

Well done, you smashed it!! Hopefully this will be the tipping point for you like it was for me. It’s changed my mindset so I’m confident and positive for each new challenge (and I’m normally a pretty negative person!)

Onwards and upwards now! Please keep giving updates, it’s really nice to read success stories!

BlueemmaD profile image

I'm in the same position, I just completed the second run of week 5, which was surprisingly okay but I have the 20 min run next time! I thought today would be hard and that I'd keep wondering how long until I can walk next, like I normally do, but I did a completely different route and ended up forgetting about the time and thinking about the houses and gardens I was passing instead. I also completely revamped my playlist so I had some cool 80s tunes to keep me going. Those two lots of 8 minutes flew by, so Sunday when I do the 20 min run, I'm running a different route again.

Ppflamingo profile image

I put off doing this run for 2 days ( any old excuse!🤣). When I actually did it, it was fine. The fear really is more in your head than your legs - take it easy, it’s not a race. Good luck - let us know how you get on.

Satsuma1 profile image

I felt the same way about this run. I was so nervous about it, but it actually went ok in the end. I know it’s been said many times already, but watch your speed and take it slow. You can do it!

Kish247 profile image

Congratulations on completing this! I think it's good to feel nervous, it means you care! Well done :D

Maxwell1801 profile image

HI last night i just completed week 5 run 3 jogging for 20 mins.i did my 12 hour day shift came home at 18.00hrs and went straight out for the 20 min jog.

To be honest with you it was on my mind all day thinking I couldn't do this length of time.i set of jogging and felt OK she informed me I had done 10 mins and I just kept going and pushed myself and I completed it a full 20 mins jogging and no stopping.I was do proud of myself I even carried on and did a extra 2 mins into the warm down walk if I can do it im a 17st 4 male I am sure anyone can that is under that weight

Saltytrees43 profile image

I felt literally the exact same way!!

Really struggled with the 8 minutes, and was terrified for the 20 minutes bc I knew I couldn't do

Did the 20 minutes, and absolutely smashed it!!! Didnt stop once!!!

A lot of people have said you'll surprise yourself, and you will!!!! You really don't think you can run it, but you will!!!

Let us know how you get on with it!!

JurassicRunner profile image

You can definitely do it! Just remember that it’s ok to slow down if you feel out of breath, and it’s ok to search for downhills! 😆 Try not to think about the time and just concentrate on enjoying the run and it will be done before you know it.

Jacqui1992 profile image

Just don’t run too fast, keep it steady and deep breathing, I did my 1st run of W7 today 25mins and so windy . I struggled with the last 5 minutes but slowed right down and I made it. You will be just fine, good luck 😉

Meanmommab profile image

I felt just like you and was reassured by support on here. They were all right and I actually found it the best run of all to date. Great sense of achievement when it's done. Go for it!

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