i felt amazing after my 20 minute run in w5 r3, but w6 r1 and 2 have been such hard slog since then. i’m worried i won’t be able to do the 25 minute run in a couple of days for w6 r3. any words of wisdom or advice?
week 6 is hard work!: i felt amazing after my 2... - Couch to 5K
week 6 is hard work!

I felt exactly the same - I called week 6 a little Biatch of a run!..... You can read my posts.. it might help you feel better to know its the same for alot of people..... W6R2 is the last of the walk intervals - they were our friends in the early weeks but somehow i think they work against us after W5r3 - perhaps we are used to doing the longer runs
Stick with it - the rewards are fab and you've come so far so well done for that!...
Remember nothing worth having comes easy - that's what I rely on for tough runs - That and my awful taste in music to get me through!

Tinytears60 is exactly right; the first 2 runs of week 6 can be tricky, but you’ve done those! The program has prepared you for run 3, you are ready to do it! Your mind just needs to realise that, too.
Try not to overthink it. You CAN do it. Tell yourself so. Take the run at a comfortable pace, slowly. It’s meant to be a slow jog! Doesn’t matter how slow - as long as you are making the movements of running, the program is working to build up your stamina for subsequent runs. Good luck!

Week 6 Run 1 and 2 catches most of us by surprise. I always say week 6 was my hardest due to going back to intervals after the solid run. You will do great. Just trust you can do it.

It is just a different set of runs.. and you are ready for them. Slow, steady and relaxed...trust the plan and have confidence in yourself

I know how you feel K11111 - I just finished w6r3 and it was OK - as others have said, it’s more of a mental challenge now not listening to the inner voice that suggests packing it in. I was quite nervous beforehand too and always feel a bit daunted by the weeks ahead but the programme works and Laura says that I’m officially a runner now so I can’t let her down!

I'm about to go out for W6 R1 and am surprised at how many people are saying W6 is tough given W5 R3 was a killer for me. I'm quite looking forward to pushing myself for this 5min, 8min and 8min run coming up. I now know I can do a steady 20min so plan to push myself to up the pace for a minute in each of the running segments today.
That's the plan anyway. I guess I'm about to find out if it was a good or bad one. Lol