Any advice from those who have been there and done this? I've come back from a second attempt and whilst I can run longer than previously, I certainly can't do the 20 mins without a short walking break in between. I managed a solid 10 mins from the interval bell, but had needed to stop running after about the first 6 mins. It is both matter over mind, and mind over matter! But this isn't helped by an increasing number of strains I experience once home, a dodgy right knee was followed by an uncomfortable left ankle and now I'm feeling a bit of discomfort in my left thigh. When I run, I'm not finding these issues intrusive, but certainly impeding easy movement around the house. I'm very reluctant to stop running every other day but don't want to make things worse. Any suggestions? And any suggestions as to how to run for 20 minutes non-stop?! Thanks.
Week 5 Run 3 - hard and suffering with sprains... - Couch to 5K
Week 5 Run 3 - hard and suffering with sprains and strains

Can you speak aloud, clear, ungasping sentences as you run?.........if not, you are going too fast.
Stretching immediately after every run, while muscles are still warm and supple, pulls out contractions, avoiding carrying tensions into the next run and also improves recovery by improving blood flow, as recommended in the guide to the plan.
Many people do not hold their stretches for long enough or put enough effort in. Hold post run stretches for 30 seconds and make sure the pull is strong enough to be on the verge of discomfort.
We all have to face the unavoidable fact that once we are in our sixties our recovery time is increased, regardless of our fitness levels, so why not give yourself a break and have an extra rest day between could make all the difference.
All your niggles would also benefit from following the advice in the guide to the plan on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Thanks...I've not been engaging in any stretching, I'm afraid, but do run slowly.
I might try to leave 2 days between runs to help recovery.
If you are using the app, click on Discover next to My Runs, scroll down to the bottom - 'You might also like to know about...' - if needed swipe across til you find Importance of Stretching. Follow the link to a video of the stretches. I go straight there after my run.

The only advice I can give, having done this very run on Thursday is slow down! I was suffering knee and back and without even knowing I was doing it I had slowed down from the second I set off... and it felt very different but also much more comfortable...
you will do it!... I know you will but I do suspect even tho u may think you’re already going slow that you’re not going slow enough...
also when I had my gait analysis I was advised to shorten my stride.... in only little but I’m trying to stride out ... I made a concerted effort to do that and it’s been my best advice so far....
I’m with you on this willing you thru just like I was willing myself thru on Thursday ... you will do it! 👏👏👏

Hi, follow the excellent advice from Iannoda. Dynamic warm up and post run static stretches I've found invaluable. I'm 66 in August, yer old body takes longer to recover so I always have two days off at the weekend, thus raring to go (so to speak) on Monday. Its like a mini break but doesn't diminish enthusiasm for Monday's run 😉! I go dead slow too, I manage about 3.3 km in 30 mins but I'm happy with that. In Consolidation now so hope to slowly improve. Plenty of water too! Enjoy! Go you!🏃🏃♀️💥