It turns out it was six years ago that I completed the couch to 5k programme. I hadn't realised till I logged into this forum it was so long ago. I got to be able to run for 35 minutes but then my left foot started playing up and each time I thought it better it started hurting again when I tried running; reluctantly I gave up. Recently on the advice of a real runner, thank you Andrea, I went to a physiotherapist who scanned my feet, found the problem and ordered custom made orthotics . I'm beginning to think they just might be working. I completed the dreaded twenty minute run last week and this morning I finished the consolidating first run of week six. Six years ago, I wanted to run because I thought it would be cool to be running at 70. Now I have reached 70, I still think it would be cool. I am taking it slowly; I will never run 5k in 30 minutes but as long as I am overtaking the walkers I am feeling pleased with my progress.
Second time around - six years later - Couch to 5K
Second time around - six years later

Well done 😊

Well done, I like the bit about overtaking the walkers, keep on running. 😊 🏃🏾

Fantastic & well done to you! 💫 I left it a year in between completing - I’m 51 this year & finding it tough. Just completed W5R1 after a 12 hour shift of being on my feet. You have inspired me to keep at it!! Good luck. Xx

Welcome back to the forum and well done on your progress.
This guide to the plan is essential reading
and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.
Enjoy your journey.

Well done you! I completed the program a few weeks ago but have picked up a foot injury. I've seen a podiatrist and I'm doing exercises. I'm so worried I'll lose the fitness and momentum I've managed to gain. At 65 I don't think I'll ever do 5k in 30 minutes but I got a real buzz from going out first thing for my shuffle. Keep up the good work. Hopefully we're looking after our health.

I'm so pleased the orthotics are helping and very well done on getting to week 6 😊👏
I have everything crossed for you that the foot behaves so you can get to graduation so running at 70 and beyond becomes a part of your life...I'm chuffed to be running at 47 and will feel very cool if I'm still doing it at 70.
Good luck 🤞🤞🤞
Congrats! Good for you...

Well done! I’m 55 and have started and stopped many exercise (and diet) programs over the years. I picked this up a month ago, started reading about it and decided to go ahead and download the app. Turns out I already had the app! I’d downloaded it 5 years ago! I don’t even remember that so I must not have followed the program for very long at all. So here I am second time around too!

Good luck with it -do keep going; It is worth it; I really got to enjoy it before. The best point is when one stops thinking so much about how many minutes are left and instead starts noticing birds and trees etc. For just a few minutes recently I have been doing that instead of wondering when Laura is going to tell me I can stop.
I am 56 this month and started Cto5k a number of years but never finished. I have just completed week 4 it’s tough but you all inspire me so much. Thank you.