Run day Fun day! W3 R1: W3 R1 tomorrow.... who... - Couch to 5K

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Run day Fun day! W3 R1

Jodiebee profile image
50 Replies

W3 R1 tomorrow.... who else is running tomorrow? Are we all ready and raring to go?! Can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m so excited to see if I can run for a full 3 minutes 😂 is anyone else really enjoying it compared to when they first started?

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Jodiebee profile image
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50 Replies

Lovely to hear that you are looking forward to it! I loved week 3 and each run week prepares you for the next. You can and will do it. Just keep making sure you hydrate well every day and take it at a steady pace. It all gets better the more weeks you go through.

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to

Ah Thankyou ☺️ I’m definitely upping my water intake and completely changed my diet, purely because I want to be able to run at my best! It feels like week 3 is such a step up, glad you loved it, I’m even more excited haha

IannodaTruffe profile image

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.

This guide to the plan is essential reading

and includes advice on minimising impact, stretching after every run, hydration and strengthening exercises, all of which will help.

The best is yet to come.

Enjoy your journey.

Yes! I'll be running week 4 run 3 tomorrow!

Glad you're enjoying running more too!

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to jordanpatrickwallace

Amazing! Good luck! I never ever thought I’d be the person that uttered the words “I love running” haha. Let us know how you get on ☺️💪🏻

Kharina profile image

Great that you are looking forward to it! I found the same, started to look forward to running. You can definitely run for three minutes if you have done the runs leading up to this: just remember to start off slowly, you can always go a little faster later on. I really enjoyed the week 3 runs, the feeling of achievement of stepping up to three minutes was great.

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Kharina

I’m definitely going to pace myself, the urge to go faster than I should do is always so strong until the last run 😂 I’m most looking forward to the 3 minutes, never thought I’d get this far so I’m hoping I can actually do it! Thankyou for your encouragement ☺️

Spartacus22 profile image

I'm due my week 3 r2 tommorow. Found wk1 so much more comfortable than I thought it would be. Finding the right pace has been the most important factor for me so far. Slower pace more distance. Hope you enjoy it, I'm sure you will. Welcome to wrek 3.

Spartacus22 profile image
Spartacus22Graduate in reply to Spartacus22

* week 3

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Spartacus22

Ahh I’m hearing that, loads of us seem to really enjoy week 3, it’s hyping me up haha. I’m definitely going to start off slowly, you’re so right, pace is really important. Good luck on R2!

Cockneymick profile image

I'm running tomorrow, looking forward to it and nervous. I've got a lot of encouragement from family and posters on this site (both of which are very motivating). Going to listen to a new playlists especially. Hope everyone's run goes well tomo, speak to you/post to u soon!

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Cockneymick

Yes! I did think of you! Looking forward to seeing your post run post! Good luck, hope you smash it which I’m sure you will ☺️

Surprisingly yes and sm shocked at how I have done it, pace and breathing too - I'm one run ahead and with other weeks was glad it was other but this week feels like there should have been more which makes next week hopefully achievable 🙂

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to

That’s brilliant! Means you can definitely do next week ☺️ I don’t think I’ve quite got to the point where when I’m finished, there’s any gas left in the tank haha

Charlie46 profile image

I'm running w7r2 cant believe I'm running for 25 mins and loving it only 7 weeks ago I couldn't run for 90 seconds. Your gonna love the journey good luck and enjoy your run. I will be

Scw787 profile image
Scw787Graduate in reply to Charlie46

I’m the same & I do w7R2 tomorrow Saturday!!! I too couldn’t run at all ...., loving the journey!!!

Charlie46 profile image
Charlie46 in reply to Scw787

How do you feel about your journey so far? It's a nice day for my run today. Playlist is at the ready.

Scw787 profile image
Scw787Graduate in reply to Charlie46

It’s been tough but I’m determined to do this ... I swap between radio and just music... I go out before break....& just go fir it !!!

Enjoy your run x

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Charlie46

It’s bonkers isn’t it?!i can’t believe that I actually ran for a whole 3 minutes 😂 can’t wait to get to your level and see how I go! Well done for getting to week 7, amazing!

Charlie46 profile image
Charlie46 in reply to Jodiebee

You will get there yourself it's still a challenge now. Loving the satisfaction and stamina I have achieved so far.

Issywhizz profile image

I was the same! Excited to see if I could do it. Just seeing if you can manage that next leap is a buzz isn’t i. Just keep a slow and steady pace. Admittedly I found that run hard but then doing W3 R2, it felt much easier. You can do it 🏃‍♀️💪🏻

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Issywhizz

I’ve just got back, lord above, you’re right, it was tough but I ploughed through! Thankyou! Your words give me hope for Sunday haha. What week are you on now?

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to Jodiebee

You did it!! Well done. It wasn’t so bad was it 🌈 And that feeling when you finished the run just makes you want to do it again! I’m on week 3 Run 3 tomorrow. I’m scared 😂🏃‍♀️

Lizmac200 profile image

I just finished week 3 run 2, found the last 3 min run really hard but just made it. As I have found the 3 min run hard I’m wondering whether I should repeat week 3 in readiness for week 4. Any help?

I have to say I’m enjoying getting up and going out running, for someone who hates any sport at school I sometimes wonder ‘who am I’

Issywhizz profile image
IssywhizzGraduate in reply to Lizmac200

I think I just played some music that keeps me going that I could focus on, rather than focusing on how hard I was finding it. Also when I find it hard, I just keep thinking of the goals I want to achieve out of all this, which pushes me through. Probably no help but i think it’s all about the thought processes to push you through the physical barriers. 😊🏃‍♀️💪🏻

ParisC25K profile image
ParisC25K in reply to Lizmac200

I was dreading the passing to W4, so full of self doubting, especially when you start the 1st run and Laura tells you it's going to be so much harder!!!! But I cracked it and it has made me feel like I can do this, I am an acheiver, I can actually run 5mins!!!!! I really needed this proof to help me with my self doubting. If I can do it, anyone can you just have to beleive in yourself and the program! I'm still sweaty but smiling like a cheshire cat having caught its first mouse!!! Now for 100 squats and stand up abs with Laura London, then a nice long stretching session and if I have time a lovely relaxing meditation!!! Have a great day everyone!

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Lizmac200

You done it though! Haha I am very much the same, I was the one found hiding out during cross country 😂 I’m not sure who I am anymore but i like her haha. I can’t offer any good advice because I’m a proper noob but I have every faith that you can smash our week 4! Maybe try it and see how you get on? I’ve certainly surprised myself every run so far

rhinos1968 profile image

Hi hope you enjoy your run, looks like a good running day too with the sun out already! Just about to go out on my Wk5, R2. Never thought I'd being say that neither!! Good luck

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to rhinos1968

Ha! It was a lovely sweaty run 😂 it’s crazy how none of us seemed to think we’d get this far! Let us know how you get on! Enjoy 🏃‍♀️💪🏻

rhinos1968 profile image
rhinos1968Graduate in reply to Jodiebee

Ha, well done. I find the sweaty ones most satisfying, means I've really pushed myself like this mornings!! Enjoy the bank holiday

Diamondshoes profile image

So glad you're enjoying it! I'm doing wk7r1 tomorrow. Never thought I'd get so far. 25 mins was tough yesterday but I know if I've done it once I can do it again.

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Diamondshoes

Superstar! You absolutely can, as you said, you’ve done it once, you’ll be able to do it again 100%, looking forward to seeing how you feel after it tomorrow!

Maybebab profile image

Hi I did my WK 3 Run 1 yesterday , it's a big step up , but was amazed at my progress, I'm loving this And sticking to the Plan to give myself the best chance of succeeding . I feel so pleased I started this and look forward to hear how you are getting on , seems we are at the same stage , good luck

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Maybebab

It was a big jump wasn’t it?! I struggled the first 3 minutes but the last one was easier, I’m hoping R2 is better! The main thing is, we did it haha. I’m the same, I’m so happy I bit the bullet and started this journey, it’s so rewarding seeing how far we have come

Week to week!

Healthisfun profile image

Absolutely, I start week 7 today, so excited x

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Healthisfun

Yay! Enjoy! Let us know how you get on, I can’t imagine getting to week 7 haha. Good luck ☺️

Healthisfun profile image
HealthisfunGraduate in reply to Jodiebee


Yeah today was tough for me, but I can do it and it will get easier on my next 2 runs. My app turned off near the end but had my "Map to run" app on and I actually ran for 26min, so that was good. Phew x

Healthisfun profile image
HealthisfunGraduate in reply to Jodiebee


I completed the couch to 5km today, so delighted that I reached my goal. 🏆🏆

How are you getting on? I actually ran over 30 min, it took me 35 min, but so happy with that time

susan x

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Healthisfun

Wooo!! Thats amazing! Well done, Susan!! Bet you feel amazing?! What happens next? Are you going to maintain the 30 minute runs a few times a week? I don’t know what happens after the end haha. I’ve had a bit of a knee injury and then a lot of stuff happening at home so I’ve not really been focusing at all, I’m back at it tomorrow and will be starting where I left off at W5R2, hopefully I’ll be ok! Well done again for completing it, that’s so amazing xxx

Healthisfun profile image
HealthisfunGraduate in reply to Jodiebee


Thankyou so much, I have kept it up every 3 days and managed 5km, so will aim that distance for just now. Try and increase distance more than speed. It's so hot just now it maybe 4km 🥵🥵

Good luck, keep me posted

Susan 😁

Mowtown2020 profile image


I am running today r3w3! Not sure enjoy is the right word!😂😂👋👋but I am enjoying the feeling afterwards of sense of achievement and quite excited! My You gets Son 29 is really proud of me and encouraging me!

He wants us to do a park run in September (COVID permitting) I will be 65 and he will be 30 same day 🙏🙏🙏🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🌈👍

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Mowtown2020

😂😂 haha ok, maybe not enjoying, tolerating? Haha. 65?! Epic!! You should be incredibly proud of yourself, I’m 34 and 2 runs behind! What a star! Park run is what I’m looking forward to as well! My partner is a regular runner (8/9 miles every couple of days) and he’s excited that we might be able to do park run together as well! It’s good to have something to look forward to☺️

Birdlady64 profile image

Yes! Run 3 week 3 for me today. Looking forward to getting that done and moving on to week 4.

Weirdly it's the first half of each run that's hardest for me. My legs feel like lead! I do pace myself and deliberately go slow. So slow my walking is faster than my running ha! ha! I always seem to have something left in the tank at the end and feel like I could go for longer.

My husband laughs at me for that but it's a deliberate strategy for me - building endurance without getting injured like I did when I first started by going too fast.

Enjoy your week 3 and roll on week 4!

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Birdlady64

Yes! I can definitely walk quicker than I can run 😂 I look a right wally when I’m jogging I’m sure! I found it the same as you, the first run was definitely harder than the last 3 minute one, I thought it would be the other way round! Endurance and stamina is the key, you’re definitely doing it right 💪🏻

Mattlad91 profile image

I'm running tomroow doing my wk1 round 2 tomroow as I did my first one yesterday

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to Mattlad91

How did you get on with R2?! How was R1? Well done for starting! It’s always the hardest part isn’t it?

2bon profile image

W3R1 tomorrow! Love your post Jodiebee and all the replies. Excited on one level, a bit nervous as well - plus snow is in the forecast!! So... we’ll see. Not sure about saying “we’ll plow through@ 😂

2bon profile image
2bonGraduate in reply to 2bon

“Plow through” not @...

Jodiebee profile image
Jodiebee in reply to 2bon

Snow?! It’s been really warm where I am today, I was glad not to be running 😂 how did you get on?! Did you have to “plough” through?! How did you find the step up?

2bon profile image
2bonGraduate in reply to Jodiebee

Luckily the snow didn’t stick - it was just incredibly windy. The run was wonderful- it felt great. We changed our route so we were less exposed to the wind and that also worked. So, we’re feeling pretty pumped for wk3.

Thanks Jodiebee!

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