I feel like giving up! Motivation problems and... - Couch to 5K

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I feel like giving up! Motivation problems and anxiety issues!!

JordyMew profile image
34 Replies

Hey guys and girls. January was a very successful month for me when it comes to losing weight....however I have already hit a a barricade. Its only the 2nd week in February and I'm losing motivation and I feel like giving up already. I suffer with very bad anxiety. I'm 24 and I should be a lot tougher than this. Someone tell me its going to be okay.... I feel like a failure right now 😢

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JordyMew profile image
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34 Replies
Powerhoopfan profile image

You are not a failure. You have said January was successful, so that’s great. Focus on that positive. What are you losing motivation with? Exercising? Eating?

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Powerhoopfan

The healthy eating side of it. Its so difficult.

IannodaTruffe profile image

There have been many people on this forum over the years that I have followed it, who struggled. Some give up, others persist.

Those who stick with it invariably end up graduating the programme and end up transforming their lives in ways that it is difficult to imagine. Not only are they physically fitter, they are mentally stronger and more confident.

It is not an instant fix and it takes hard work and dedication.

I know that you can do this.

You doubt that you can do this.

We can provide support, encouragement and advice but the motivation is down to you.

There is only one person who can make you do this and only one who will stop you........motivation has to come from within.

You can do this, if you really want to.

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to IannodaTruffe

Thankyou for the kind words. Please follow me.

Craftybean profile image

Hey, you got this guy...write a list of all the positive things you've done and focus on what's going well. I feel like you but I got into my mindset that any work is good work, and it's ok to feel down, it doesn't mean you're a failure just try again tomorrow. Also, imagine how amazing it'll feel to run 5k without wanting to collapse after 3 minutes! Xx

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Craftybean

Thank you very much for the kind words. Please follow me. I will follow back. I will try my best to carry on.

2718281 profile image

You shouldn't be tougher, you just need to accept that we all go through better and worse moments, and learn how to deal with the bad times! Anxiety is hard, very hard, but don't think that you are not enough something, think that you haven't learnt yet how to deal with certain things, and sometimes you learn by making mistakes and dealing with things the wrong way. But you learn from that and become better prepared for next time, you are not a failure, you are work in progress, like everyone else! As you said January was a good month, so on average this is a good year :) and if February is a bad month, it's the shortest month of the year!

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to 2718281

Thankyou for the kind words. Means a lot.

Oldgirlruns profile image

Longish post alert! Hi Jordy, you don’t say what’s making you lose motivation - is it getting out there or the runs themselves? Perhaps you can separate your weight loss and the C25K programme because the running may not help you lose weight (it didn’t for me but has for others) - but it will help you tone up, that’s for sure! And if you read the posts on this forum you’ll see that loads of people have found running really good for their mental health so it really is worth carrying on with, please don’t give up! January was good for you, February isn’t over yet so may be good or not so good, it will be what it is, but if you stay positive and carry on doing exactly what you did in January, you could be pleasantly surprised! You’ll also see from people’s posts here on the forum that we don’t fail - if a run isn’t completed it is taken as a practice and done again another day. Repeating runs is not failing, it’s pre-preparation .

You’re not a failure and you can do this - one day at a time. Good luck!

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Oldgirlruns

Thankyou so much. Please follow me.

Speedy60 profile image

Be kind to yourself and don't set yourself goals you know you can't meet. You don't need to 'be tougher', you don't need to be anything other than the person you are. If you can't face running, leave the tech at home, put your trainers on and just leave the house for a walk. If that feels good and you could jog a bit, so much the better. If you can't, then you've still got some exercise - and you're still doing better that all those still sitting on the couch.

Best wishes and keep posting here for support. 👍

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Speedy60

Thankyou for the support. Please follow me.

Speedy60 profile image
Speedy60Graduate in reply to JordyMew

I know everybody here is enthusiastic about c25k, and rightly so, but if you aren't in that place, take a step back and start from the place you are in. If that means walking, then hey, walk. There are no rules here so you can't fail.

Goforitmama profile image

Tomorrow is a new day.

Loosing weight is tough. Part of loosing weight is going through phases where you feel like you are hitting the wall. Check that you are not being over ambitious with your healthy eating regime and making it too tough on yourself. Know that it’s normal to hit the wall, but if you can carry on then a weight loss is about to happen.

Anxiety is another issue. TLC hun, lots of it. Surround yourself with people who care and are positive.

Good luck, take care.

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Goforitmama

Thankyou for the kind words. Please follow me, I will follow back.

Goforitmama profile image
GoforitmamaGraduate in reply to JordyMew

The winter blues are pretty common this time of year. Try to stick with it for another month. I’m not saying that you have or have not got winter blues, but I do think that you should give it another month. Going for a lovely spring run is going to feel soooo good. Seeing the daffodils and feeling slightly warmer temperatures on your face - oh yeah!

T2runner profile image

I have just signed up to do the 5k race for life, giving me a reason to stick with this and raise some money for a good course, don't even think about giving up, you stick with it you are having a blip lots do, this is what builds your mental toughness, work through it and your brain will learn that you are capable and determined to make your life better. We are here cheering you along mate.

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to T2runner

Thank you so much....follow me and I will follow back.

Sparkey5000 profile image

Anxiety is not about being tough. Give yourself a break. You’ve achieved loads already this year. One day at a time. Don’t overthink it. Get out when you feel like. Run what you feel like. Every run is a run. Fresh air is the best for anxiety but some days it’s too much.....that is ok too.

Megbird profile image

I agree with all comments so far. Be kind to yourself. Whenever I am down. I go out for a walk or few rounds of slow jogging. It works for me. Good luck and keep going.

Saxart profile image

Celebrate the positives and don't be hard on yourself. You are not failing, paths are very rarely straight when trying to get to your goal. The wet grey days do make it more challenging. You can do this..

Marth-Elise profile image

You are absolutely not a failure! You've come so far already which is something to be really proud of ☺️

What helps me is trying to remember that running isn't all about weight loss - I also run for my mental health, for the headspace, for my general fitness and stamina, and to feel good about myself. Reminding myself of that post run feeling keeps me going out for runs when I really don't feel like going!

Agree with what others have said here about writing a list of positives, and stick it somewhere you can see it every day like on your fridge or wardrobe door or bathroom mirror ☺️

Keep going, and be kind to yourself ❤️

killersblue profile image

Don’t know what you’ve tried to help cope with your anxiety but meditation or just simple focused breathing is one of the best things to help calm down those thoughts and feelings to the be able to think more rationally. Loads of free guided meditations online. Do this in the morning to set yourself up for the day then again in the evening to relax. It’s wonderful 👍👍 And where has that idea come from that you “should” be stronger than this? We all get moments where we dip but then we come back to again. I think this is called the roller coaster of life 🤗 You’ve done well so far and you can do so again !!!

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to killersblue

Thank you for the kind words. Please follow me. I will follow you back.

Tazzy_wazzy profile image

You’re young and are a lot lighter and fitter than you were the beginning of the year. See this as a big positive step forward. It’s not easy so pat yourself on the back for how far you have come. Anxiety is horrible. Be kind to yourself and learn how to meditate. It’ll take a little practice and it’ll learn you to relax and help keep you focused on the challenge ahead. Buy the Pinch of Nom cookery book, it’s full of good recipes and it’ll keep your taste buds tingling while you’re loosing your weight. Good luck xx

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Tazzy_wazzy

Thank you so much. Please follow me. I will follow you back.

Moosey60 profile image

I agree with all the wonderful comments above Jordi. You are definitely not a failure. The fact that you are trying hard is a success in itself. You aren't a couch potato, you are making a conscious effort to do something to improve yourself and through all the ups and downs you will learn and grow. Keep at it, run, walk whatever ... You can do this... Stay safe and be healthy

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to Moosey60

Thank you so much. Please follow me. I will follow you back.

MartinKH profile image

Some great advice from the above folks already, you have done so well already In January. Focus on the positives like that.

Even if you go out and not have a great run, it’s practice in the fresh air and that’s a great thing for anyone.

Just keep going slow and steady, and you will hopefully feel better about things.

You are the one that has to go out there when you may not always feel like it, we are the ones that will support you all the way.

JordyMew profile image
JordyMew in reply to MartinKH

Thank you so much mate. Please follow me I will follow back.

Bluepup1 profile image

You are not a failure - look how far you have come, you are doing well and will continue to do so!

I’m sure you feel like this because of the anxiety (an illness at the end of the day) which is rearing it’s ugly head! It can be so hard to ignore, but that is the nature of the illness - definitely not you!

I can’t really add anymore as I think it’s already been said - hope all our comments help you

Keep posting here and following the programme and I’m sure we will see you on the podium in no time 🤗 x

Val183 profile image

You are doing it! The results are not progress, you are. You have decided to change things, everytime you go out for a run/walk is a time youve set aside for you. You have the rest of your life, it feels intense now because its what your are focusing on 24/7 it's a new you. It took a long time to get here, it may take a long too to see the results, and you are making the moves to change. February is always an odd month, but days are getting longer and nature is waking up, slow down and follow your own natural pace, there's no rush.

Lesaspie profile image
LesaspieGraduate in reply to Val183

"The results are not progress, you are."

Yes.. This. Excellent. :)

Lesaspie profile image

Hi, JordyMew :)

Is it ok if I say a few things that might help you? How familiar I am with what you write. I am reading here "I'm 24 and I should be a lot tougher than this". Who says so? Believe me, if you are suffering from anxiety you are already tougher than you can imagine, really. Strong people rarely know that they are strong if they are not tested in this cruel way, every bloody day. It's good that you posted a picture here :) I see a good looking chap with a clear and honest face who is in pretty good shape, really I do, but I also know that you won't believe me, because I know exactly where you are coming from, the place that you are in. :)

There is no requirement that anybody be tough, but anxiety certainly brings its friends, shame and fear, along with it. :)

This is know... It will get better. You will not always feel like this. It will pass, I promise. It will also come back again. But it is not your fault and it does not define who you are. I also know that February is worse than January. The low light level hits hardest then, even though astronomically it is getting brighter. If you can, try and just ride the wave, go with it and be very kind to yourself.

And..... run. Its hard, I know. I woke this morning choking back tears - again. But I am ok, I have coffee! I did run and the mood lifted but oh my it was hard today. So run, maybe a little bit, whichever part of the programme you are on, nobody will mind if you ease back. Be kind to yourself... repeat... repeat. If you cant do it today, try tomorrow. :)

Sending you a big hug, because I think you are a great guy, really, and I bloody know what this feels like !

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