So today i decided it was time to step up and give week 4 a go. I've been running week 3 for a while now, its not getting any easier. I'd looked ahead and could see that week 4 is a big step up from week 3, so wasn't sure whether to try it or not.
My knees have been giving me trouble the past few days so i wasn't expecting to complete it but i decided to give it a go.
I go out in my lunch hour to a local do my running. When i left the office it was bright and sunny. I got to the park and the heavens opened. Hail, sleet and possibly snow. I figured this was a sign. So.i sat there trying to decide what to do. I made my mind up to leave and out came the sun.
So off i went week 4 here i come. I have shocked myself by completing it first try. I have been in such a good mood this afternoon and thats because of my achievement. Its amazing how this running can lift your spirits.