After a few hard days at work I really didn't feel like a run but after a decent cup of coffee and a bit of motivational chat from my dsughter I ventured out into the drizzle.
32mins later and I have 4.8km and my final run week9 run3 in the bag.
Chuffed to bits to go from a total anti running cyclist to actually running for 30mins non stop.
Now I wont admit it is easy, far ftom it in fact and I believe a lot of work is yet to come.
Is it enjoyable? During Hell no, but afterwards the buzz of completing a run is getting addictive.
Long may I hopefully continue, my goals from here on in are to run a sub 30min 5k and hopefully progress to a 10k.
Thanks NHS Couch to 5k, it definitely has got me off the couch.