Hi, I have attempted w5 r1 4 times now but haven’t managed to complete all 3 5 minute runs. Do I keep trying until I have, do I return to week 4 or should I attempt w5 r2 anyway?
W5 r1 failed: Hi, I have attempted w5 r1 4 times... - Couch to 5K
W5 r1 failed

Why have you failed? Legs or lungs? Both? You're probably going faster than your body can manage. You need to go slow, very slow. That way your legs get stronger, cardio starts working better and body gets adjusted. Can you read my post in a regular articulated voice while running? No? You are going too fast. Slow down and you'll get there, we all did.

Let's start with..
You did not fail, you went out and ran, even if you didn't finish it, you got up and went out and that is success, so we'll done, especially after feeling you have had a set back, that is the hardest, but you did it 4 whole times, which takes dedication and commitment. So doubly well done.
If you are finding it difficult to finish then slow down, and slow down some more! Make sure you put slower music on if you listen to music. You should not be puffing and panting too much after each run and if you are it is likely that you are running too fast or may also be dehydrated. Look up Japanese slow running, it is not as easy as it looks, but builds stamina and strength, and is actually supposed to be better for you than faster running!
Keep going and try again, you can do this. 😊

Definitely not a fail. Have a couple of rest days make sure you're still keeping well hydrated 2-3 litres per day and not just on run days and most of all slow right down. It does work and you can do it. Good luck 🤗

Are you jogging at an easy conversational pace, as described in the guide to the plan? healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
If you struggle, slow down.
You can do this.

Ok, lets split this up:
1. Never, and I mean NEVER, use the F word on here again please, the only time you f... a run is when you don't go out and try it. You went out but the result was different to what you wanted, you practiced it, that's all.
2. As already mentioned, you may have been trying to go too fast, the secret to the program is slow and steady, a very high percentage of people on the program go slow, real slow. The aim is to complete the runs, forget about speed and distance, just slow down and aim to complete each run.
3. When a run doesn't go to plan you only need to repeat that one run, if you don't complete that run a couple of times then take an extra day and keep telling yourself you can do it, not maybe but you can.
You are doing great, just slow down, trust the program and believe you can do anything it asks of you. Your body has no concept of time, so when the program says that you are going to run for x it is your head that looks at it and says I can run for that long.
Adjust you speed, even if you are going slower than walking pace, as long as you doing a running motion then that's all that matters.

No f words allowed here Slow down and then slow down more.... Relax and repeat the run, but this time.. take it slower than a snail on a go slow...and KNOW you can do it!
" Believe in yourself and you are half way there!"

I have to echo the key points everybody else has said.
I thought I was taking advice and slowing down. And I was advising others that were struggling to do the same.
However, it took me 5 weeks for it to really sink in. Yes I had slowed down, but I could still go slower. And after a really tough run, I learnt my lesson and did go even slower for the next one.
You can do this. I bet you can do it easily at a brisk walk. And if you can, then just step up the pace a tiny, tiny bit and you will do it.
And if you haven't already got the message, the only fail is staying on the couch.
You can do this!

This is the exact point where I struggled. I could not run for 5 minutes without wheezing & gasping. As everyone else said SLOW down. I repeated this particular weeks workout for 3 weeks. When I could complete the workout for 3 consecutive times then I moved forward. Best of luck to you. I know you can do this!

Hi everyone, thanks very much for all your words if encouragement. I apologize profusely for using the f word, lesson learnt. So with a positive mental attitude, plenty of water drunk and snail gear found and your words of encouragement ringing in my ear, I have completed week 5 run 1 with plenty left in the tank. In actual fact I ran the last run for 6 minutes so feel well set up for W5 r2. Once again, thank you everyone, much appreciated. 😁