So I was stuck on W4 for two weeks, it taking me a couple of 'practices' to get W4 R1 in the bag as it felt like quite a leap but now - dare I say it - the 5 min runs come easier?!?? I did W5 R1 tonight without much difficulty - don't get me wrong, the last 5 minute run took a little bit of digging deep for the last minute - but I couldn't believe that I did three lots of 5 minutes!!
I am aware that I actually ran for one minute less in W5 R1 compared to W4 runs but let's see how it goes on the step up to 8 mins; that's much longer of course.....
I have found my groove in early evening runs; its cooler, I think I am hydrated and nourished.....but will be out on Monday afternoon next time round. Will report in.
thanks for all comments/support etc thus far. I am still winning the battle against the "I can'ts"