Well from the upbeat post last night and only four runs to go... as the night drew on and this morning I’ve got an ache in my right leg hamstring. Not enough strength in my hips, glutes and core etc I imagine? Going to rest now and start back slowly once the pain has gone. Had started to feel it in the last two long runs as a little knot but no real pain. Anyone else experienced this, any advice very welcome 🙏
Hamstring aching : Well from the upbeat post... - Couch to 5K
Hamstring aching
Have you looked at the Strength & Flex forum? I have found that doing some sort of core strengthening activity really helps - yoga or pilates or similar.
A convert..please tell everyone we need them to head across..I am getting tired of fetching them one by one🤣
I think I’ve had every ache and pain going since I started this, but just niggles really other than when I had glute pain in W2. I did some muscle specific stretching and thankfully it was ok. Take care and rest up 😀
I had some issues with left hamstring from week 7. Mainly a tightening that was annoying. I started doing better stretches and that helped.
I was tempted to take time out but glad I never.
Even after I ran my first 5k yesterday it was tight. After I do my 5 min fast walk it loosens up and is fine when running.
I think it will get better over time.
I never had a constant pain or anything.
If yours if different maybe you need to rest it up.
Good luck
I also made a post at the time that I updated.
Thanks that was really helpful. One of the admin replies to your post struck a cord , I didn’t stretch effectively after a few long runs and the tension and contraction carried over into last nights run. Ive been feeling the build up for a few runs and not been stretching way near enough or properly. We live and learn 😳 heat pad stuck to my leg and resolute that I will join strength and flex and stick to the run free days training. I will get to graduate 👨🎓 just maybe a little later than expected 🙏
General consensus seems to be aches - stretch, pain rest and seek help if it doesn't improve. Sounds like you are in the pain group. Sorry to hear and hope it eases.
It’s my own fault, got the link back up after last nights run for the post run stretches and true enough I’d been doing them from memory and not doing them all and the ones I was doing I wasn’t doing effectively. All
Is not lost. I think I’ve stopped running in time to let it heal without doing too much damage.
Posted this a few days ago..this is the place to be...!!!