Did my 1st run week 1 c25k on Monday. I thought my head was going to explode! It took me all the walking time to catch my breath before running again, I wanted to stop so many times. I was red, hot, tearful, but I did it. Tonight is my run 2 week 1 and I'm feeling dread but I want to do this for me. I'm so shocked how unfit I am. Going to use this page as a support.
So it began week 1 run 1: Did my 1st run week... - Couch to 5K
So it began week 1 run 1

Relax & don’t be fearful. You have done it once! Keep hydrated today before your run. Put on your favourite music & go VERY slowly...as slow as you possibly can run 🐌 breathe normally & distract yourself by listening to the words of your music.
Tell yourself “I can enjoy running”. Trust the program. If you follow it carefully you will slowly get fit. No more tears...you have begun and that was a brave step!
I have just completed run 1 week 1 and I felt the same as you ! Hot, out of breath, beetroot faced and the most unfit I have ever felt 😞
30 minutes later I feel proud that I have started this challenge and almost normal ! 😊 this doesn’t mean I am looking forward to the next run but with the help and support of others on here we can both complete this challenge. Good luck 😊

You’ve done the hardest part in getting out and doing wk1. In my first and second weeks I took it very slowly, there probably wasn’t much difference in pace between my run and the 5 min warm up walk!
Try to enjoy and think about how amazing your body is and that every time you go out you are getting a bit fitter.
You’ve got this!!

C25k is an amazing plan and really does work you'll get lots of encouragement and support on here . It's said all the time on here , to help your breathing slow down . You may think you're already going slow but if you really try you can slow down even more. Good luck 😊😊

Without any shadow of a doubt W1R1 was the hardest of the programme for me, and many others on this forum. But you did it! Well done! You should be very proud of yourself. Plus you have the best user name.....😊

Excellent. Well done you. Out the door is the hard bit and the first time is hardest of all, so you’re well away. Do watch the YouTube clip about Japanese slow running for a new version of how to minimise the red face, can’t go on effect. Most people are trying to go too fast, too soon.
And do also read the pinned post for newbies by IannodaTruffe. It’s full of wisdom and links to info we all need as new runners.
Happy running, and welcome to the group! 😊🎉