Still at it. I am convinced I'll give up before finishing the 9 weeks. But this run walk was a teensy bit easier and the weather perfect.
W2R2 completed : Still at it. I am convinced I... - Couch to 5K
W2R2 completed

Well done. I had doubts, in my case due to age, but it went ok. Just follow the plan and run at your own pace. You can do this. Good luck

If you tell yourself you'll give up... then you will. 👎🏼
This programme can get you through, but you have to want it.
Start telling yourself you CAN do this and you WILL do this and you might just surprise yourself 👍🏻😁

We all have doubts in the beginning about being able to run never mind 30 minutes. Just trust the plan it really works . Well done 😊😊
Honestly, you'll get to the point where giving up just isn't an option - in a good way! Trust the programme - as intimidating as it may seem, it really does work! - and keep it up. It'll get easier, you'll really start to enjoy it and you're going to feel great. Good luck!

stick around the forum and you may find that the will to continue overrides the doubts

You’re almost on week 3. Well done. Why would you give up when you’ve already done the hardest part by starting this journey? Good luck.

if you read some of the posts here, you'll see so many people, me included, amazed at their progress from nearly keeling over after after 60 seconds of jogging, to really looking forward to each run and going beyond that to completing park runs. I think the common factors are a) trust the programme and b) think snail. Just keep going one run at a time and you'll be running for 30 mins before you know it. Keep posting and good luck!