Last Friday I was involved in a 3 car smash. I ran the first run of week 5 on Monday, god knows why. The shock of the crash has affected me quite badly and aches have appeared in my back and I’ve got headaches as well. Will it be safe to do run 2 tomorrow? I’m not sure if I’m coming or going at the moment.
W5R1: Last Friday I was involved in a 3 car... - Couch to 5K

First of all, are you ok? Any injuries, I do hope not?
If you feel ok to try the run then do it, if you feel battered around from the crash then don't, wait a few days and see how you feel.

Hope you are ok. Take a few days rest so that any aches and pains can settle down then when your feeling better try running again 😊

Should you see a doctor? Take care of yourself, be kind to yourself and let yourself recover from the shock

I’m ok. Just still in shock a little bit. I haven’t broken any bones but my back and right side of my body aches from the smash. I’m getting checked out tomorrow morning at my Dr’s.
I think I’m just on autopilot at the moment. I’ll leave the running for a while until I feel better.

Take it easy for a while, the running can wait awhile for you

So sorry to hear that Tw- take a couple of days to sort yourself out, then you’ll probably be itching to get out there and run again! Hope you’re feeling better soon!