Tried this over a week ago and just could not do it! Having sulked during this time, I decided to try again this evening. I jogged sloooowwwwly and managed to do it this time with a tiny bit left in the reserve tank. I’m wondering if running 13 seconds slower per km really makes such a difference! Anyway it’s done. Week I come!
W8R3 repeat success!!!: Tried this over a week... - Couch to 5K
W8R3 repeat success!!!
Sometimes, who knows. Either way you did it ! 3 more runs to go !
Well done you! And great to know that you felt like there was a bit left in the tank - you're ready for your Week 9!
Congratulations on completing week 8 of C25K, not long now until you graduate, I am sure 13 seconds slower per km made a big difference, slow and steady is the mantra slogan here on C25K, good luck for your graduation run 🏃 😊.
Slow and steady works and finishing with something left in the tank is really important.
Well it made all the difference to your run well done you 😊😊
well done Archieandme, you did it🙌 pesonally I find slowing down a bit does help particularly in this humidity and longer runs🐢👍
good luck with you race to graduation😊
Well done - hopefully you’re feeling chuffed with yourself 🤗 x