Felt suprisingly comforable doing my 1-2-3-4 beat runs, and then speeding up for 60 seconds. Had no idea how long this was going to take, but then just as I was going well I tood a tumble on the track I use... it was one of those slow mo things when you know you are going to fall, but try so hard not to. Ended up flat on my face, with impact on my poor old knees and palms of my hands
My runkeeper announced 'activity stopped' (or something like that)... I got up, checked I hadn't broken anything, walked for a moment or two and then carried on running!
The really annoying thing is that I missed my 'fastest' run by 11 sodding seconds... which I surely would have managed if I hadn't been flat on my face and delayed for I guess at least 30 seconds.
I only did 2km, but I managed 6.5km/h, which is way better than my usual sloath speed! All in all it was suprisingly do-able.
Now my poor old knees need that rest day to recover their bang! I think a super slow 30 minute japanese jog is called for on my next outing.... just to be safe!