week4 completed this morning but today the tan... - Couch to 5K

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week4 completed this morning but today the tank felt empty😳

notquiteretired profile image
21 Replies

well I was up early to finish week4 before grandson arrived for the day. My previous 2runs this week were hard but felt I had really turned a corner and was on bit of a high. Today not so good, legs felt heavy even though I slowed pace. whilst did finish I did not enjoy today and felt really drained. Lunchtime now and think coming down with a cold so probs this why felt flat today. Hope it passes quick as dont want to delay starting week 5 incase motivation evaporates😳🤧

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notquiteretired profile image
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21 Replies
Fiftyfive25k profile image

Well done on finishing W4! Hopefully it’s just a quick bug and will pass in a day or so - stay hydrated and look after yourself.

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to Fiftyfive25k

thanks for the support, felt really flat😳

There's been a few of us who have found it hard this week... It's a real test of character when it's a bad day... And you passed it! 💪🏆

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to

aww cheers for that , it was so disappointing after feeling good about previous run but hey ho will av rest day n start afresh I hope

lexiemcd profile image

Some runs are better than others but you finished it so well done !! Hopefully you'll feel better soon and ready to take on W5 - you know you can do it !!

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to lexiemcd

thanks for your encouragement, thats what I like about this forum, it sometimes needs others to help you rationise things and not lose motivation 👍

Fiftyfive25k profile image
Fiftyfive25k in reply to notquiteretired

Totally agree - it’s a great, positive space.

Lindsey-joy profile image

Oh dear, i hope you are feeling better soon. Maybe have a good few days rest before week 5?

Huge congratulations on finishing week 4 though, great achievement 😊

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to Lindsey-joy

thanks hope it passes quickly, atleast I have excuse for my bad day today😊🤧

steviej99 profile image

All runners have unexplainable bad runs so don't worry. Your doing great, no way your motivation will evaporate now, your 2 runs away from the halfway stage!! In fact if you take a day or two extra rest days you'll come back even stronger. Good luck and enjoy your running

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to steviej99

thanks for support, I hadnt thought about what you said about 2 runs off half way through programme🤔 this is what I find helpful about this forum 😊

I’ve found this week hard going too and have decided to step back a bit. I’m at w7 but not recovering as well as I’d like, so I’m just stepping back a bit, doing some cross training and take longer breaks between runs.

Listen to how you are feeling. It is easy to get all too caught up in the momentum of C25K and we forget to listen to our inner voice (ear worm 🐛😉 ) when it has its sensible head on and is telling us to slow down. It’s not failure, it’s common sense. Rest when you need to, especially if you’re not so well. Take care of yourself. Your motivation will still be there. 😊

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to

thanks Delly-dot , the voice of reason😊 this is the benefit of posting on the forum - you get objective advice. Hope you resolve your difficulties too. I wonder if I just need bit more work on stamina too, came into programme at 58 after 40 years of only dog walking as exercise🐢

Mummycav profile image

Hi notquiteretired , well done for even considering another run this week if you were struggling a bit with your previous runs...its ok to take an extra rest day you know when you'renot quite feeling on top form...i know its easy to get carried away and want to finish the programme but better to be safe than sorry and end up poorlier for longer...put your feet up for a couple of days x

Scram profile image

I know how you feel. I did W4r3 on Bank Holiday Monday and it was such hard work. I felt ragged and very deflated and I was in such a grumpy mood after. Today I did w5 r1 which I was very not looking forward to as the runs are a bit longer and it was raining BUT I actually enjoyed it! It may have been raining, I may still be running at a snails pace but I got myself moving and it just fell into place. I was really proud of myself which added a spring to my step all day.

I think some runs will be harder than others but when we need to power through the tough ones and revel in the good ones.

notquiteretired profile image

Strange isn’t it why some days better than others. Well done getting out there and completing next run 🐢🏃‍♀️😊

Pianism profile image

Oh sorry to hear of your bad run - we all have them and boy is it good when they are done!

It's surprising how more attuned to your body you become as you learn to run... and then you just know not to run if you are feeling under the weather.

Hope you are feeling better soon. And enjoy week 5 - it's an amazing turning point. :)

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to Pianism

thanks for that , am taking the advice of other forum posters and taking an extra rest day n hope to start week5 on saturday

congratulations on all you have accomplished during the programme and beyond you gave done really well😊🏃‍♀️

Pianism profile image
PianismGraduate in reply to notquiteretired

Thank you :)

Meedeb profile image

Well done! You’re doing fab - I hope the cold is light and passes quickly. Love this forum such good advice already given. But take an extra day - keep us posted how you get on with W5.

I took an extra day or two and start W4 tomorrow. Should have started on Wednesday..... 🏃‍♀️

notquiteretired profile image
notquiteretiredGraduate in reply to Meedeb

cheers I have followed advice and took extra day so hope to start week 5 tomorrow🤞🏻thanks

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