So yesterday was W2 D1 of the couch to 5k program and I found myself with some really bad pain in what I can best describe as the muscle running down the outside of my right shin. Mainly bad when doing the walk between runs rather than the run. Doesn’t feel like shin splints. Could it just be muscle pain from new exercise? Don’t worry I’m aware most of you won’t be doctors but have any of you felt something similar?
Should I be worried?: So yesterday was W2 D1 of... - Couch to 5K
Should I be worried?

Welcome to the forum and well done on your progress.
This guide to the plan is essential reading and includes advice on minimising impact, which is the primary cause of most new runner's aches and pains.
Stretching immediately after every run will help.
Take extra rest days.
If you do all of the above, as you get stronger, the aches will diminish.
It sounds like shin splints to me
If it persists consult your doctor.
Enjoy your journey.

I found in the first few weeks of the program I had a new ache after every run but it has settled as I’ve progressed, I keep fairly active, on my run days I still have a walk at lunchtime and on my rest days too, I’ve found this really helps my legs to not stiffen up.

Like Julia said I found new pains constantly. I had shin splints, calf muscle pain, I even developed a pain in my arm at some point 😂
I always found pain sorer on the walks which I why I liked week 7.
I'm not a doctor so don't want to give advice but for couch to 5k I ran through most of my pain and just did lots of stretching and icing up the shins post run.
However I did previously run through shin splints back in October 2017 and it got so bad I stopped running until Jan 2019 because I was afraid to injure myself again, so just be careful.

You have a wealth of information in the linked post.. Take it steadily and slowly..

I'd endorse what others have said (although no poncy post-run stretching for me personally)
One particular thing you could try is slowing the pace of your walk a little... we're all about slowing down the run but there's often an emphasis on obeying the 'brisk' bit of the walk when some of us may need to find a sweeter spot between that and a downright amble - it's really just about keeping moving. The reason I decided to try C25K was because a brisk walk was something I found too painful to sustain... and taking up running actually pretty much cured *years* of suffering with shin pain. But I can make it come back with: running on tarmac, heel striking, and brisk walking.

Poncy post-run stretching does work!