I was dreading today's run even though I found w1r1 fairly easy.
Yesterday involved gin. And wine. And prosecco.
The poor dogs didn't get a walk so I was up extra early today and we did a good 5 miles which made me dread the run even more.
I am running on a treadmill at the moment as i find it kinder on my knees otherwise I would have combined the run with the dog walk.
Anyway... i have just completed my run and yes, I found it harder today but I think that is to be expected after dehydrating yesterday! Let that be a lesson to me! 😂
I kept the advice i have seen on other posts "slower than that!" In mind and even though it felt weird and I probably looked like Chunk from the Goonies doing the truffle shuffle (anyone else remember that film?) I got through it and i am here to tell the tale!
Off to drink a lot more water now!
Have a great day 😀