I woke up early this morning just after 6 so decided to get up and go run. I prefer earlier to later as I still worry about my neighbours seeing me in my running gear. Silly I know but that’s just me. Anyway it was drizzly rain which wasn’t too pleasant but I did it. Did feel harder than W6R3 though don’t know why. I didn’t have the energy to go faster for the last 60 seconds like previously but I did run 30 seconds more just cos I could! Back home and felt it was too early to stay up so got back in bed. Cat was sat on bed waiting for me! I actually slept for a couple of hours! Usually I run and get ready for work but not today luckily! I didn’t do a lot yesterday so thought I would be full of energy today but maybe just one of those days. Hoping Monday’s run will be more energetic! 😊🏃🏻♀️
Week 7 Run 1 done ✅ : I woke up early this... - Couch to 5K
Week 7 Run 1 done ✅

Hi Janice
A variety of things can impact how we feel or perform on run day, so don't feel too down at all about not having the energy that you wanted. Keep yourself well hydrated and rested and hopefully the next run will be one where you might have some juice left in the tank to go a bit quicker if you want to. Of course, it's not about going quick at all, it's simply going. Once you graduate, if you want to, you can work on being a bit quicker. Well done for getting out there and starting week 7, you're doing really well 😊🏃♀️👏👍
I went for my run this morning too, it was a bit drizzly, wasn't it. Thankfully where I was in the world it wasn't downpouring at all, and I found it quite nice. I prefer some drizzle to some extra heat, that's for sure. If you've not run in (proper) rain before, I hope you experience that someday (I suppose with UK weather it's a given). It is a nice experience, particularly when it's not really cold.
I really enjoyed my run this morning and am really happy about my speed (since you mention wanting to go faster), I was relatively quick by just going slow and steady - maybe give my post about it a brief read, maybe you'll find it inspiring somewhat - I managed 5k in under 30 minutes.
How lucky it is that you got to go back to bed! Although I was up in time to be running from 6 am, once I'm up I'm up, though I did have a brief nap this afternoon just to give my arms a rest. They're suffering from a recent workout.
I'm glad to see you're still running and hope you enjoy the rest of your runs this week 🙂
Hi yes I’m hoping it was just a bit of an off day. Can only get better!
I’ve only run twice in drizzly rain but do prefer it cool to warm - one of the main reasons I run early. Wow well done - that’s pretty speedy! I currently average 9 mins for a km and am on around 3.5 km at the end of my runs so a little way to go yet. I’m just glad I finish them at the moment! 😊🏃🏻♀️
And so you should be! I graduated C25k years ago, though it won't take you that long to get under 30 mins if that's what you want to do haha
A huge well done again 👏🙂🏃♀️😊👍 I look forward to hearing how your next run goes, which I'm sure will go better.
Hey Janice! Good on you, this is my next run too, I may go out tomorrow morning. Did you do any extra prep for the run? Have you changed anything from the first 6 weeks. How were your legs feeling? Xx
Hello no I didn’t prepare except the usual stretches and water. Not really changed anything. Just doing what Laura tells me! Legs are fine. Little twinges every now and then but I put that down to my muscles recovering and strengthening. 😊
I would suggest imo doing a bit more than just a 5-minute walk when you're running for over 20 minutes - the video at the bottom of nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/h... is one I've just watched and one that should definitely help. If you spent 5 minutes on that before starting the 5-minute walk I'm sure you'd have fewer twinges 👍