W9R2 Completed! Changed my route slightly to make it slightly easier to try and squeeze out he extra .25 mile I need. BUT only managed to get 0.01 increase! But at least it is a PB even though looks like I’m not going to break the 5K run before the end of the programme. But never mind because back in January I never thought I be able to do what I am now doing and that’s the important thing. So on to Saturday and my graduation run! Good luck to all my fellow travellers who I know are at the same or similar stage!
One more to Go! : W9R2 Completed! Changed my... - Couch to 5K
One more to Go!

Let the 5K run come when it will.Simpy enjoy the last run towards that podium. We and the badge are going to be waiting to cheer you home!
Hi Chris, enjoyed reading this, very similar to mine but much more eloquently put. But it’s great to rediscover the “joy” and freedom whilst running. Great stuff well done !

Well done Chris ! All the best for Saturdays Graduation run and just enjoy it - such an achievement to come so far. I will meet you on the podium to celebrate 🎉🏅

Hey Chris. You did good!!! Well done. I struggled tonight but I did it. Good luck Saturday x

Well done Chris! I’ve just done this run this evening.
We have all come so far from January and it’s been tough at times! I still feel fabulous every time I complete a run! Afterwards, definitely not during! 😂🙈.
Good luck for your finale 👍💪👏👊