Still not much sleep going here, so I went out and walked 5k before breakfast ! Sun and a bitter wind on the Bodg Incline 😀
Morning all !: Still not much sleep going here... - Couch to 5K
Morning all !

Well done BCK, I envy you, I've been on IC for nearly two weeks with achilles tendonitis, so walking is not easy either! Nice to hear you keeping your spirits up and positive attitude! x

Excellent 😃 I seem to be keeping a hold of the rain for you. First sight of the Bodg Incline 👍. Hopefully the exercise will set you up for another busy day.👣

Looks lovely, but we all need to lose that icy wind asap! Hope the walk sets up your day. 👍😊

Lovely photo of the Bodg Incline BCK, lovely morning where you are, where I am it's a bit showery but hoping it won't be too showery because at 10.30 this morning I am with my walking group which walks around a 4.2 kilometre loch near to where I live, part of that route is on the 5K ButtercupKid trail which you have seen with some of the photos I have taken and hope to take a few more soon. Having a nice walk or run helps anyone to clear their head of any problems they may have, I hope the rest of the day goes well for you.
Hope you have a lovely walk, AlMorr, and that you’re out of the wind. It’s looking very changeable here - glad I got out when I did !
The weather changes so much in Scotland, NOW it is brilliantly sunny and looks as it will remain that way, where I live we are sheltered by the Highlands to the north and miss a lot of the very snowy weather that the likings of Aberdeenshire get, but the same Highlands shelters you to all the rain we get in the west.
That’s true - it’s swings and roundabouts, isn’t it ? 😄
Update at 1.25 pm, hi BCK, just come back from my 4.2km walk with my walking group, the weather was beautiful during the walk, after the walk there was a light shower.
When I got to the local leisure centre where there are two gyms, keep fit classes, a 'spin class.' stationary bikes, we were treated to home made dumpling and a homemade cake by two members of the group, very nice indeed. Have a good day. 😊 🏃
Sounds delicious - hope your walking group aren’t targeting weight loss 😂
Ha ha BCK. I admit that as I have said before that the group is in two sections, the group that I am in and go the longer quicker walks are ex runners, some have ran cross country and ran a 10K, the other group which only go for shorter slower walks have never ran at all. All the people in my group are of normal weight, the short walking group I admit are, I'll be polite and use a nice word, plump, but all of them, like the people here on C25K are the nicest people you could ever meet. 😊
Sounds like a great way to meet people and get some exercise 😀
👍🚂That old railway🚂line where you do some of your running 🏃and walks,🚶 no chance of it reopening and Scotrail🚂 electricfying it as they have done near to where I live, probably not. 🚂🚂
Certainly no talk of it just now. I’m not sure there would ever be the demand to justify reopening the full line: arguably the first 15 miles out of Aberdeen would be a useful commuter line, but the north sections were mainly used by the fish trade, which is much smaller now.
Good morning BCK, we are both up bright and early this morning, I have just noticed a place just north of Aberdeen called Blackdog, I went to Google Streetview, it's just a small village, only a few houses by the look of things, but I was fascinated by that name.
It’s a great name but just a few houses next to a dual carriageway. Not sure if depression rates are any higher there than in the rest of the shire 😂
Probably not but I just took a Google Street View "journey" down the A90 dual carriageway from Blackdog all the way to Aberdeen City Centre, I now know why its called "The Granite City" many of the houses in Aberdeen are all granite.
I hope you have a nice day today.
Thanks AlMorr. That’s exactly the reason - the area was famous for its granite. Pink granite came from the Peterhead area and was more expensive, so if you spotted any pink granite buildings on your fly past, you’ll know where the biggest show offs lived 😄
Perhaps there were a few pink granite buildings in that area I saw today, the beauty of Google Street View is you can home in and enlarge views of anywhere, although if there are people in the picture they are blurred out. I for one can home in on my home on Google Street
View, that Google van with the omnidirectional areal on top seems to have visited every single street and back lane in the UK, that village named Blackdog looks like a very prosperous place for commuting to Aberdeen.
It’s well inside the commuter belt, as you say. It must have been a huge job doing Street View at first, but nowadays they use satellites instead.

Looks can be deceiving can’t they! It looks like a lovely morning from the photo. Sun, rain n wind here, hoping the wind drops a bit before I test out my new running jacket 🤞
Oooh - new gear ! Excellent ! It’s very changeable here and I think I maybe caught the best of the day 😄

Blue skies in the morning? They’re not long since arrived down here! Good job again.

Good for you getting out there BCK if I’m lacking sleep in this weather I come downstairs and binge on Netflix, I did my 5k on a treadmill this morning because of the wind, but now you’ve inspired me to walk along the tramway this afternoon to visit my niece and great niece. Thanks for posting that lovely picture
You’re welcome ! Hope you had an enjoyable walk too 😀