So first run really enjoyed but struggled with the last two runs so just walked. Felt rotten afterwards as if loaded with cold. 😣 However didn't stop me going out for second run in the rain 😭 had to stop twice maybe going to fast but completed. My left hip was very sore and could barely walk. Bit worried about how Fridays run will go! But I'm still standing so plan to keep moving forward. (Ps have Crohn's disease and asthma) this is a major achievement.
Just started: So first run really enjoyed but... - Couch to 5K
Just started

You are maybe going too fast just slow your running right down and don't move on to the next run until you've fully completed the previous one good luck 😊

Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading which explains the recommended easy conversational pace..........slow down.
Do repeat any workout that you don't fully complete......... this is a training plan, not a tick box exercise.
Enjoy your journey.

Hello Toffeepop! Well done on starting the programme. Go slowly, really really slowly! You’ll get there in the end - I’ve just finished week 2 and still can’t quite get my head round the fact I’m doing it at all! There’s no rush- if you want to, or need to, you just re-do as many runs as you have to! Good luck with it!

Hi Toffeepop, it sounds like you didn't quite manage either of your first two runs, I would say, repeat them, but this time go much more slowly , even if it feels as if your walking is faster.
And yes, with Crohns and asthma you have got a lot on your plate, but the increased fitness you gain from this will be a huge help.
Good luck, and keep us posted. 😊
A sip of water often helps that tight chest full of cold feeling, if you have a small bottle that you could take with you. It definitely gets easier.