Just completed W7 R1 and what a struggle it was...I did complete without stopping but found it really difficult.... I thought this would be getting easier by now!!!!!!
W7 R1: Just completed W7 R1 and what a struggle... - Couch to 5K
W7 R1

I think the key here is, you completed!!! What an amazing achievement 😁😁
If it were easy everyone would run everywhere 👍

This is how I felt on W7 R1 and I felt a little flat after it but honestly R2 felt amazing and I’ve just done R3 this morning and that felt even better. Well done on completing this it is such an achievement and trust me R2 will have you feeling great. My advice which worked for me was drinking at least 2 litres of water every day and eating really healthy before R2. The water I’m sure has been a massive help to me. Sorry for waffling on 😂xxx

Well done 👍 it's a tough run, I think the mental hurdle is the hardest part.

I found all of week seven a slog to be honest, but it does get easier although I don’t think I’m the type that will ever find it easy. Just go at your own speed it’s probably a lot of mind over matter....I’ve found some runs horrible but when they go well it more than makes up for the slogs. Think how far you’ve come and keep going

I 're did wk7r1 today as I stopped twice last friday after 20mins. I did it but struggled...
We must keep going, it must get better.

Thanks for replys and support... going for it Tuesday.. I'm so determined not to stop... we can all do this...cheers