I'm still running, trying to keep up with my three runs a week but this is proving difficult, firstly with the weather but also with motivation. I have done two runs this week and the winds in the north west are really bad so may not get another in. Having said that i still feel I've achieved something doing the two runs. Roll on the better weather 😊
Still going just not as strong: I'm still... - Couch to 5K
Still going just not as strong

It's tough in these winds but your sense of achievement should help the motivation. Maybe not yet but it will soon kick in!
As my c25k muse Sarah Millican tells me on every run... "you can do it, don't give up"

Every run is an achievement. When you look back to the start of week 1, you can see that every time you get out the door is a triumph in itself. Never mind the runs you didn’t go for - celebrate your successes and your massive progress. Be proud of you - we all are x
That's a good way to look at it, i always focus on what i haven't achieved but you're so right i should be proud of what i have achieved 😊

Two runs is more than you were doing before you started this right??
The winds are a killer... I just got back in and could barely breathe at one point for it gusting in my face.
Stay positive and do what you can.

Well done keeping going... spring is coming! Maybe it’s time to vary the runs up a little... if you don’t get the 3 in, hows about 2 and then just going for a fast 5 minute one when the wind settles, or a quick mile to between downpours? Maybe it’s time to set a goal for early summer to get you back motivated? I think you’ll amaze yourself this year.
Never thought of that. I've signed up for a 7.5k charity run for August so that's my goal... to be able to run that comfortably. At the minute i did 5k if i can but sometimes only manage a couple of miles. I'll just keep pushing and you're right I'll get there. Thank you for your support 😊 this group really does help me!