Just completed W5R2 and who knew that Wake me up before you go go matches my jogging rhythm perfectly!! 😆 Anyone else have a song that fits their rhythm? P.s. In my defence I was listening to 100 Number 1s, not Wham exclusively! 😜
Wake me up before you go go!: Just completed W5R... - Couch to 5K
Wake me up before you go go!
I need to find a better song that fits my pace but right now its Britney Spears Work B*tch! As embarrassing as it is, its bloomin' great to run to and really spurs me on!
Mine is sucker punch - compilation on amazon - the only one that fits!!
I suspect that at the moment the Funeral March might be my best option 😂
😆 That’ll be me come the end of my 20 minute run!
No it won’t ! 5:3 is a great run - the feeling of achievement you get is terrific. Make sure you have something really loud and triumphant available - you’ll have earned it and you’ll enjoy it 😀
Footloose. I haven't found anything better, so seriously considering playing it on repeat for my whole run!
Mine was Mary poppins supercalifragalistic( not sure on spelling but my attempt) up to week 4 don't recommend whistle while u work (disney) very unable to run along to that one without wanting to whistle along..