Completed w2r1 this morning with my partner in crime went extremely well so much so we decided to then go and use the gym equipment over a local field. Afterwards i noticed a niggle in my left knee. I had torn my ligaments in said knee November 2017 and so this is an old injury. During the day its gradually got worse any tips/tricks to help? Quitting is NOT an option TIA xx
Knee pain w2r1: Completed w2r1 this morning with... - Couch to 5K
Knee pain w2r1

I’m carrying a very old injury and my knee was troubling at the start and just now in the first month after graduation. I am trying to stretch really well on rest days, particularly glutes and hips, and do some glutes exercises. I invested in a foam roller and that helped ‘massage’ out tight bits, but I wouldn’t do that directly before or after a run. I also ice it after a run when it’s niggly as that really helps nip it in the bud. Next step for me is my core which is poor, so planks with glutes engaged. I am overweight too, so as the weight comes off (slowly but it is coming off), I can feel the benefit in my knee. Rule of thumb: don’t run if it’s sore, wait an extra day or two if it needs it, the programme will still be there. If it doesn’t settle with rest, ice and stretching in a day or two then you may well need more specialised advice 😉 Good luck: I like your no-quit attitude! This is me too but please go steady x
Sorry to jump on your reply but I might try your advice! Completed week 2 on Saturday night but knees have been stiff and sore since! Going to try to start level 3 tomorrow after an extra days rest! Fingers crossed it goes ok, will definitely try the ice pack after!
Yes, just go steady. Stretching is so important too: hips and glutes are often neglected x
Going to have to rethink my strategy I think! Still painful this morning! Going to have to do some work on them before I start up again. Looks like I can’t just run like I did when I was 20 🙄 surprise surprise!
I totally get it as I only managed up to Week 2 run 2 and both knees are ruined ha! I am not ‘old’ but realise I am now over 6 stone heavier with old injuries which have come back to haunt me. I also had torn ligaments in july that only healed in December doh! I am now working on losing weight and strengthening my body before I start this C25K again! I will never give up! Good luck x

Definitely rest it. Any doubts, see a medic. Pushing on too soon or too hard can make things worse, so if in doubt, check it out x

If you can get it checked by a sports physio. I got a minor tear in my calf and the exercises and massage have made recovery a lot quicker.

I keep stopping and starting. Back on wk 5 - again! The nhs also do a strength and flex programme (with Laura!). It might help with the niggles. My 86 yr old mum does it and thinks it’s doing her the world of good.