Anyone with CFS managing to run?: Hi, Is there... - Couch to 5K

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Anyone with CFS managing to run?

Glitterjav profile image
16 Replies


Is there anyone else on here with chronic fatigue syndrome who is managing this program? I’ve just completed Week 1 which is more than I thought I could achieve! Worried about trying Week 2, may need more than one recovery day in between runs.

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Glitterjav profile image
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16 Replies
BirdyRose profile image

Hi, I don't have chronic fatigue but just thought I'd pop in to tell you that this whole couch to 5 K programme is all about pacing yourself. If your body tells you that you need an extra day of rest between runs then you listen to your body ☺ 👍

Glitterjav profile image

Hi, thanks, I’m going to take it steady and see how I feel. I’ve never really done high impact stuff, mostly swimming, so not sure how this will pan out. I do feel better mentally though 😊

UnfitNoMore profile image

Welcome. Great job on week 1. If you are walking briskly and running at conversational pace, there isn’t a lot of difference in the two speeds... so if you take that and look at the total length of the workouts throughout the programme, you’ll see there’s very little difference in them, sometimes it even goes down. Walking and running also use the same calories per mile, around 100, so as far as the body is concerned, they take the same effort. In theory then, if you did week one within your CFS limitations, you should be able to do every run... and as fitness rises you’ll be able to add a little at a time... which is just how this plan works.

You can do it! Enjoy your journey.

Glitterjav profile image
GlitterjavGraduate in reply to UnfitNoMore

Brilliant! That’s made me feel much better, thank you 😊

BaddieThePirate profile image

Good luck with the program. I took more than 9 weeks to do it, but I still got there!

thecure profile image

Hi there,

I also live with CFS and i'm hoping to start running again after 10 years. How are you getting on with the running?

You have my sympathy. CFS sucks!


Glitterjav profile image
GlitterjavGraduate in reply to thecure

Hi! I’m surprising myself every time I go out at the moment! I definitely need the rest days in between but it’s really helping to lift my mood which is helping with the CFS. I’m lucky in that I’m a mild sufferer so I’m managing ok with this. I have to say though that due to a nice change at work I’m nowhere near as stressed as I used to be, and that really impacts on my CFS, so I don’t know how I would’ve managed if I’d started this in more stressful times. Have you started this yet? I’m now on Week 6 and never thought I’d get this far!

thecure profile image
thecure in reply to Glitterjav

Hi, thanks for your reply. I'm in the same place in terms of work. My role has recently changed and i have gone part-time which has helped with the fatigue levels. I haven't started yet but i plan to next week. Well done you for getting to week 6!

Glitterjav profile image
GlitterjavGraduate in reply to thecure

Good luck with it. Let me know how you get on.

thecure profile image
thecure in reply to Glitterjav


I did my first walk/jog session last night and i do feel fatigued today but it's manageable. If i feel worse tomorrow then I'll have to raign it back. It felt good to be running again. Even if it was for a short time 😊

Glitterjav profile image
GlitterjavGraduate in reply to thecure

Hi, well done for getting out there, that’s half the battle! You can always just repeat runs if you find the steps up become too much for you, just tailor it to what you can do. I missed my first ever run yesterday as woke up with vertigo and was feeling generally crappy. Aiming to go out later today though and this’ll be my week of 3 x 25min runs 😬 Will see how I go. Do you manage to rest properly on the rest days? As it’s half term now I have my daughter at home and though she’s old enough to entertain herself I still find it more tiring having company! Just take it steady and listen to your body, you know best. Good luck! 💪🏻

thecure profile image
thecure in reply to Glitterjav

Thank you!

I work part-time in an office but its only mornings so i spend the rest of the day on the sofa if i need to.

Vertigo and migraines are my primary symptoms with CFS so you have my sympathy. It really does make you feel crappy.

Yes, i would have to agree. Even talking on the phone can be tiring. I hope the vertigo subsides soon and you manage to enjoy some of half term.

Thank you. You too!


JellyJac profile image

Ooh this could be my post. I have an under active thyroid and menieres disease and am just starting week 3. Wanted to start running as the public transport here is dire. Although 6 miles commute each way may be a bit ambitious Haha.

Glitterjav profile image
GlitterjavGraduate in reply to JellyJac

Hi, how are you finding it? I started Week 7 today which is a constant surprise to me!

JellyJac profile image
JellyJacGraduate in reply to Glitterjav

Just completed w3r1 it was taxing but I did it... every week each run had got easier so I'm hoping it continues.... how about you?

Glitterjav profile image

It is amazing how it does prepare you for each next step. I completed the first run of Week 7 today. It was tough towards the end but I find that my mental strength is improving which seems to be seeing me through so far! (Touches wood!). My legs feel quite tight now so will be interesting to see how I feel tomorrow! If I can manage 3 x 25min runs in one week I’ll be well chuffed!

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