23 years old and pretty unfit! This is the year that I have set myself to get fitter!! Just completed Week 1 on Couch to 5k and feel pretty proud!
Week 1!!: 23 years old and pretty unfit! This is... - Couch to 5K
Week 1!!
Well done! Getting off the couch and doing that first run is the hardest bit. When is the next one scheduled for?
You've come to the right place you'll get loads of support on here good luck for your next run
You'll be amazed at how you progress. My tips, don't be worried about running slowly, doing it counts and you can deal with pace later. Don't delay a run unless you absolutely *have* to. I delayed one to sort my run days out ahead of me, and then those plans changed anyway, and then I got food poisoning before my rescheduled run - and I couldn't run for 4 days. Luckily it was early days and I was OK, but it is one of those - do it and you will feel so good about it, and only delay when you have to.
Stick at it and you'll be stunned.
Welcome to the forum and well done on getting started.
This guide to the plan is essential reading healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
Enjoy your journey.
Yay for getting out there and making that decision! Good on you for starting now - if you don't, there's a good chance you'll end up like I was, 28 years old, 18 stone, dreading all exercise... and let me tell you, I wish I started this programme when I was 23 - how much easier it would have been! May you have the motivation (or if not that, the determination) to make it through to the end and beyond!
I've yet to start so thanks for posting this, motivated me. Now just need to find some joggers that fit!
You will honestly be fine! It's mind over matter and you can push through! TKmaxx is amazing for different sizes and styles!
Thanks. I'm not young like you though! Just turned 48. Sick of feeling unattractive and uncomfortable. Signed up to do 10k run at Easter ages ago but done nothing about it. Better make a start! 🤣