I’m a 54 year old lady who’s just completed wk nine of couch to 5k. I am so pleased with myself. My husband and family keeps putting me down, saying they can walk faster then my supposed run and I’m to old to be running. I should be at home and concentrating on that.
Wk 9 completed: I’m a 54 year old lady who’s... - Couch to 5K
Wk 9 completed

Hi Scobs CONGRATULATIONS. I've just completed w9r3 too 🏆🎖🎉 We're the same day to remember 😁

Congratulations on graduation!!! My son makes snarky comments about me being slow.....just ignore it.

I think you should just ignore them and keep running they’re just jealous
I’m about to be 51 and not as slim as I’d like and certainly pretty slow but I RUN FOR ME !!
Ps I find Chaka Khan singing I’m every woman is a great one to run with 😊😊
Really big congratulations to you! This is such a great achievement 🎉🏃🏾♀️👍
Please don’t let other people put you down 🤷♀️
Sometimes partners are scared when you change and it may be your husbands anxiety and insecurity that leads him to fear a new you ☹️
Today concentrate on your brilliance as you climb on the podium to collect your graduate badge 👩🎓 🏅

Congratulations Scobs, we're all very proud of our new running graduate!

Yes... well done Scobs!! You did it and are doing it for yourself not anyone else. I too am pretty slow and just graduated on Friday... but we must continue to run 30 mins and our pace will get better. Congratulations!

You are NOT old at 54 Scobs, CONGRATULATIONS on completing C25K with week 9 run 🏃 3. To get your 🎓graduation badge and the word 🎓 next to your username leave a message on the October* graduate post in the pinned posts on the right side of the healthunlocked C25K home page and tell the administrators that you have ran W9R3 of C25K. 😊
*(November Post not available due to a tech hitch, should be back soon )

Well we are all very impressed!! Congratulations. I started running in May at the age of 66, and current lay off with a really bad chest cold apart, I am loving it. You are a youngster!! Perhaps finding a park run near you will help? You can always find reinforcement from your VRB’s here to balance out the sarky comments.👏🍾🍾

🤩🤩🤩 congratulations Scobs!! Such an achievement🤩🤩🤩 I’m not sure what to say about your family being unkind to be honest. I think you have done something incredible and you’ve done it all by yourself despite them. You are brave and you have smashed the challenge. Well done!!!🍾🍾🍾🤩🤩🤩🏃♀️🏃♀️🏃♀️

Be proud! Ignore the family put downs and walk/ jog/ run tall. What a brilliant achievement so keep going!
Well done you’re amazing for what you’ve done, take no notice of them! 🏃♀️👍

Many congratulations on your graduation fellow runner.
This guide to post C25K running may be helpful healthunlocked.com/couchto5...
54 is no age.......
Keep running, keep smiling.

Faster than all the people ( of any age) sat on the couch. I think it’s amazing. I heard someone say you don’t grow old, just unfit so well done you for having a go and smashing it 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I’m 38 and I guarantee you can run faster than me ( W1 R2)

I'm speechless that people can be so rude and unsupportive to a member of their own family - and the comment about you concentrating on staying at home makes my blood boil! You are certainly NOT too old at 54, I'm 58 and would have something to say to anyone who told me I couldn't do it! Ignore them, look what you've achieved for YOU, you've totally smashed it - that's one in the eye for the non-believers!

Scobs you are amazing. It's sad to read you don't have family support. You will find all the support you need right here. This is your running family. Well done you.You are fantastic!!
An amazing achievement- well done. Your family are obviously struggling to come to terms with a you who gets on with her life. Probably a bit jealous as well. Don’t let them stop you!!! However fast you run, I can guarantee it’s faster than me! And of course considerably faster than your family who are presumably still sat on the couch! Onwards and upwards for you - hope you’re already eyeing up your next challenge!!!

Way to go and congratulations!! Don’t listen to those naysayers. You did brilliant and should be proud of yourself. Cheers!! 🥂🥂👏🏻👏🏻

Congratulations Scobs! Sorry to hear about the negative comments from your family - take no notice. As for being too old, I am 63, graduated c25k in July and recently completed 10k. Well done! 😀

Many congratulations to you, you've done something amazing for your life.
It's a shame about your family but it's probably fear that's making them like this. People don't like change and you've changed into a runner before their very eyes!
Whatever you do, keep at it. Eventually they'll give up and might even join you one day but the important thing to remember is this is for you and you alone. Come here for support and encouragement.
And as for the age comment........😡😡😡..... don't get me started.....😡

Hi Scobs, about the age: I'll be 59 next November 30th. So......😉🤗