Well I finally regraduated ( I did skip a couple of runs ) and I’ve just done 2 x 30 min runs for week 9 but then carried on at the end of yesterday’s run to do 5k in 39 mins. Not very speedy but my first 5k since my fractured ankle so I’m pleased.
I had a feeling it was going to be a good run when I broke out the Flamingo leggings!!🤣🤣 ( my daughter has disowned me if I wear them again)
So... the plan is to carry on runnjng for at least 30 mins on alternate days and then start JuJus plan again.
10k here I come ... whoohoo!!!
Although on Saturday I am off to Cornwall to collect 2 4 month old kittens to add to our feline family. So it’s going to be hard to drag myself out from underneath 2 cats and 2 kittens to go and run....