Some very wise and supportive words on this forum got me through this milestone run! A week ago I was saying I’d be totally shocked and amazed if I managed to complete this run - well I just did it!!! I never could have imagined running 20 mins without stopping. I went at a slow and steady pace (as many wise words here advised taking it slow and steady) as I just wanted to complete it, I got overtaken by every other runner 😂. But it was a beautiful morning along the seafront, fresh and cool and sunny, perfect! I wouldn’t go as far as to say I enjoyed it, but I didn’t hate it either. Bring on week 6!
W5r3 done it, amazed!!!: Some very wise and... - Couch to 5K
W5r3 done it, amazed!!!

I started week 6 yesterday which looked easier than w5r3!
I also go sooooooo slow as I'd rather be able to complete the runs than get totally pooped 😅😅

Super job Charlotte... that’s the way to run this. You’re gonna amaze yourself a bit more this next week too! The next run looks easier than what you just did, but it’s tricky, resist any temptation to go faster, especially in the first intervals. You can run 20 after 5 weeks, you got this.

Thanks for your inspirational words! I'm doing W5R3 next Monday and was a bit unnerved by the 20 minutes idea!!
You’ll be fine honestly! Just take it slow. I really continue to be amazed at how clever this program is, at getting our bodies able to go the distance. I did wk6r1 yesterday and again amazed myself at being able to do it. Every time I read forward to what the next few runs entail I think ‘no way can I do that’ but I’m realising now that I can - and prior to this program I really was the ultimate couch potato- literally no exercise whatsoever, out of breath if I had to run a few yards for a bus etc!!
Good luck with your next run (not that you need it, you’ll be fine)!!