Well, I can't believe I have finished week 6. The second run was difficult because I never had a rest day so that I could get my weeks back into sync. Today I did my third run of 25 minutes! and it was okay - I'm just running VERY slowly. I will probably have to speed up to do 5k in 30 minutes. My sister is walking with me and I am looping around her as I run. We have to be safety conscious the whole time in South Africa.
Week 6 Completed: Well, I can't believe I have... - Couch to 5K
Week 6 Completed

Snap! WELL DONE Seriouslyblonde (cool name btw!) Although week 7 delayed due to food poisoning...

Hi Seriouslyblonde, good to hear from you that you completed W6R3 Don't about running too slowly, you do not need to run a 5k in 30 minutes before you graduate, only 10% manage that by the time they run W9R3
Oh, thank you. That is very encouraging. I will try to speed up....somehow.....but I don't feel too bad now. Once I've graduated I think I will give the park runs a go. At least one doesn't have to do that in 30 minutes

Keep those rest days running free, we don’t want to hear of an overuse injury.
Great run today... and how out of your comfort zone?! That’s impressive, the gremlins love to have a go at stopping you when you’re doing it differently.
Enjoy week 7... you got this.

Two things you don’t need to worry about: first, don’t worry about speed. The objective of this programme is to be able to run continuously for thirty minutes on a regular basis. Speed doesn’t matter and most beginners aren’t going to be fast enough to cover 5k in that time. Forget about 5k till after graduation and just focus on being able to run for the allotted time. Second, your weeks don’t need to be in sync. If it takes you ten or eleven weeks instead of nine it doesn’t matter. What DOES matter is taking your rest days. It’s not about being tired: you greatly increase your risk of injury if you overtrain, and running on consecutive days in your first nine to twelve months as a runner is overtraining. Injury will set your progress back a lot further than a couple of extra rest days.
The rest days are actually crucial to your progress as that is when your muscles repair and strengthen after a run. Don’t miss them out.