I finished W8R1 this morning but promptly burst into tears! My first 5 mins were as usual, the most demanding. I know this and push through. But then came the next 5. Where previously I've settled into a rhythm, today I seemed to hit a wall. I honestly thought about giving up and walking home, something I've not felt up to today. Halfway mark came and again I was thinking "there's no way I'm going to get to the end of this" I was really struggling. Thankfully I didn't give up but oh my word did I find it so very hard to get to 28mins. At the end of W7 I felt so positive - surely after 25mins I could actually achieve this.....I've now lost that feeling. I'm kinda dreading R2 this week as don't want that same feeling. I don't know what I've done that's different, but am feeling really deflated. 😥 I wanted the euphoria that I normally get with each and every completed run but today just ended in tears....all very bizarre! I will persevere. Like everyone on here, I have come so far. Just wanting to rant I guess! Rant over 🙄
Worse run - what went wrong?: I finished W8R... - Couch to 5K
Worse run - what went wrong?

Well done for sticking in and not giving into the temptation to give up. I had the same thing the other day W8R2! Worst run I’ve had so far and I really almost gave up.
These days are sent to try us but I’m sure you’re next run will be much better, good luck

It was hot and humid today compared to two days ago... both make it more difficult, especially the humidity. Also, some days it sucks just the same as some days it’s surprisingly easy.
Here’s the thing though... you did it! Despite all not being well you did not quit... you won. In the moment it hurts, but right now you should look back and say “I still did that” and be proud.
I had exactly the same with w7r1 but honestly the next run was fine. I ran my route backwards top switch it up and change my perspective which massively helped as I couldn't then guess where I wad hoping to be feeling rubbish. Also inn the 1st few minutes I really focused on my breathing and tried to force myself in to regular breathing earlier than normal

Hi Dzhn. Have to say I've forgotten about breathing properly - perhaps I was just lacking the oxygen (although it felt I was lacking everything 😂) Thanks for the support - I'll keep at it!

You are not alone- it happens to us all at some time.
Lots of reasons could be the cause, e.g. being off colour, dehydration, too hot, too tired etc.
Rest, be well hydrated & don’t be put off. You will be fine. 😀

we all have bad days.... as Jo W says there aint no rhyme or reason! stick at it and you'll be fine next time

Aah Scampiedoodle it is true that some runs are like that. Where you just can’t settle into it and it feels like a hard task, but the most important thing is you did it! It’s in the bag and when this does happen, you often find the next run is pretty damn great and resets the gauge to euphoria! So relax and enjoy the rest day! This run is now history! 😁 I’m sure that you’ll be back in flow for the next run. ❤️

Keep going - the bad days happen to us all, but some days are just like that, I think and who knows why. Good luck for W8R2 - I bet you'll be fine!

No run is the same and those oddball runs crop up sometimes......key thing to focus on is how, despite feeling blah, you didn't give up!!!
Now that says grit like nothing else!!💪💪💪
Don't over-analyse it. Draw a line under it and move on.
Rest well, hydrate and be very proud of your achievements thus far.
You SO got this!!!
I bet your W8R2 will be just fine....stay calm and rememner to go slow and steady x

Hi there.... well done for battling through.
I too struggled through w8 and w9 having not struggled up to this point. I re ran w8r2 and had not redone a run prior. It did knock my confid3nce but like you I carried in and graduated in Saturday. It does come back and you will feel good about it again. I out it down to mental block that we just get through . Good luck.