Achilles’ tendon problem Advice please!! - Couch to 5K

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Achilles’ tendon problem Advice please!!

BeccyP profile image
21 Replies

Hello everyone, I’m due to run Week 7 day 2 but am suffering from possible tendinitis. It started during Week 6 so I went out and bought some new ON trainers hoping that it would help. But after Wk7 Tun 1 my Achilles we’re so stiff and sore I could hardly walk. I have been alternating Ibuprofen tablets and gel on the ankles which has eased it a bit but still slightly achey.

So I want to know if I should run later today or rest further and for how long.

I’m feeling frustrated because I have got a real buzz out of the program so far and becoming addicted to my alternate day runs.

If anyone has any suggestions, I would be very grateful.

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BeccyP profile image
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21 Replies
Caldarium profile image

Do you stretch after your run? i would give it another day's rest at least as tendonitus can take a while to go away fully.

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to Caldarium

Hi! I usually stretch before I run and have been standing on a step and dropping my heels to get that stretch in my Achilles. So I should be stretching after my run too?

Caldarium profile image
Caldarium in reply to BeccyP

Beccy i have heard many different oppinions on when to stretch but when you do it before you are stretching cold muscles but after they are warm. back when i ran before everyone i knew stretched after.

SarahOReilly profile image

Hi Becky.. I too have tendonitis of the Achilles.. it is very painful. I am having physio on both heels and they give me stretching exercises on going all the time plus for after I have run. I find if I don't stretch after a run.. they are much stiffer. Also after a run I lie on floor with my feet up on sofa with bags peas under my heels to reduce inflammation which also helps.

Hope you go on ok.😀

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to SarahOReilly

Thanks Sarah. So your Physio said it was ok to carry on running if you stretched and iced afterwards?

Could you share the details of the exercises you were given if you don’t mind Thanks so much for the advice!

It’s so frustrating when the running is going well!!

SarahOReilly profile image
SarahOReillyGraduate in reply to BeccyP

Hi Becky.... I have just got back from a physio session. They advise to listen to your body.... minimal and limited pain can carry on but anything more.. listen to your body and stop.

They advise that you do need to strengthen muscles up around the area..... exercise helps. The exercise I have been given are to stand on edge of step, raise up on toes and slowly lower past the step to stretch the tendon fully and repeat. Also from standing position, simply rise up on tip toes slowly and lower again. Also stand with legs shoulder width apart, knees bent in a stopping stance and the raise up on toes from there. I also stretch after running and focus a lot on stretching my achilles... this really helps me.

Other big helpful steps are: purchase 5mm foam heel raisers for in trainers and shoes, avoid wearing flat shoes for example I wear flip flops a lot in the garden bit was advised consider fit flops or birkenstock sandals as they have small raised heel so feet are not flat.

Hope this helps.... you can look for exercises for tendionapathy.

Good luck 😀

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to SarahOReilly

Thank you so much Sarah. That’s all really useful stuff.

My heels are actually feeling a bit better this afternoon so I might pop out for a run. 😉 I will be sure to do lots of stretching too.

Hope your recovery goes well too. Happy Running!

pegasus2512 profile image

I’ve had he same issue and I went and got a gait analysis and found it was my shoes. I’ve ordered new ones to suit my running needs. I’m hoping it will help. I’ve found that stretching after really helps. There’s a link on nhs website showing you some they do help. Good luck and listen to your body and take an extra day. It will help in the long run.

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to pegasus2512

Hi Pegasus! I’ve invested I new trainers as I think the problem may have stemmed from the ancient ones I’d been thundering around in.

What stretches do you do?

Thanks for your help!

pegasus2512 profile image
pegasus2512Graduate in reply to BeccyP try this link it works for me :)

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to pegasus2512

Brilliant, thank you!

Mashedpotato profile image

Hi beccy. I’m in the same boat so really interested to see the responses

Just finished recovering from a 2 week injury so nervous to start running week 7 again but also feel guilty that I haven’t run in so long

Want to get that running buzz without the pain of an injury. Hope your pain gets better soon

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to Mashedpotato

Hi there. It’s disappointing to be injured at this stage. My goal was to do a park run by the end of August so I really hope Ican stay on track.

There’s some great advice above so hope that helps you too. Good luck!

MarkyD profile image

You could google eccentric heel drops for Achilles tendonosis.

As for running: I would not recommend it without seeking professional advice. I’m not exaggerating but it could be 1 year before you are running again. You’ve spent some money on new trainers; if you can I’d recommend visiting a sports physiotherapist. As well as getting your Achilles looked at, the physio can give you some exercises to help your running.

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to MarkyD

Hi MarkyD

I will try the heel drop exercises- thank you for the advice. I actually just went for a run because they were feeling a little easier. They don’t bother me while I’m running but as soon as I go down to a walk they are stiff and sore. On return, I stretched, elevated and iced for 15 mins. Needless to say they are feeling achey now.

I feel conflicted because I desperately want to keep on running now I’ve got to this stage/ running for 25 mins. 🙁

MarkyD profile image
MarkyDGraduate in reply to BeccyP

Is the Achilles worse in the morning? Does it take a while to get moving without pain once you’re out of bed?

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to MarkyD

Yes. It’s pretty stiff and sore when I first get up do so have to do some gentle stretches to get going. Then I walk the dogs and move around as normal. The ankles tend to ease as the day goes on. Hence , I thought I would try a run late yesterday afternoon but I’m sore again this morning.

Hi Beccy, sorry to hear you are having tendon issues. There are many many people on here far more qualified to answer about that, but I would say stretches after your run are better because your body has already warmed up. Don’t be afraid to take a week out though, and see your GP (if they are any good) or a physio. Better to take a week out now voluntarily than a month on the injury couch later!

On a more positive note, your post caught my eye because of those gorgeous shoes! I got some On Cloudflows just the other day, and I think I’m in love!!

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to

Thanks Neil. People on here has been so great with lots of good advice. I think the bottom line is I may have to take a break which is so annoying!!!

Yes the shoes are lovely, so light and bouncy. I wish Id got them for wk 1 and maybe I wouldn’t be in this situation now!

Hi Becky, not much to add here but I always do the 5 minute walk before and after and I always always always (and continue to) do a variety of stretches after. I find they really make a difference. Once I got to the longer runs I would leave 2 days in between runs. You can still finish the programme in good time. Hope you recover soon.

BeccyP profile image
BeccyP in reply to

Hi Tracey, It’s a big step up to week 7 and it’s clearly been a shock to my body!! I think you’re right a 2 day rest between runs may be less impactful. I think I’ll take a break till next week and decide what to do.

Thank you for replying!

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