I completed my my second run of week 2 tonight but I am sure I have shin splints I am going to be so disappointed if I have to stop the programme as I am not having any other struggles at all so far, and have really enjoyed following the podcasts. I have always left a days rest inbetween runs and left 2 days before progressing to week 2. During the first run of week 2 I had some mild aching which I thought was just my muscles getting used to the extra running, but tonight it was much more painful all along the length of both shin bones.
I managed to complete the podcast as I was determined not to let it stop me. Was this a good or bad idea? I have been Googling for the last hour or so and have found some to be of the opinion that you should just keep running and the pain will gradually fade as the muscles strengthen, but have read other things suggesting that continuing to run could lead to the bone fracturing....?
Anyone have any ideas? I have to admit that I didn't get my gait analysed before starting as was worried I would be talked into buying expensive trainers that I can't afford. I did buy some new trainers that I thought would be ok (Reebok Runtone). Also I am running mainly on pavement as there is nowhere else to run within walking distance really (I don't drive) and I wonder whether this has contributed to it..?
Really annoyed that I have picked up an injury already. I already walk my dog for a couple of hours every day at a brisk pace and hoped that it would stand me in good steed, but I guess not!