Week three, run 6 and 7. I just kept going in run 6 cos it felt good. Ran runs 6 and 7 as one, just started up 7 when 6 ended, ran all the breaks too and the warm up of 7. 44 minutes running in total and I did 4k. Decent music on, totally locked in the groove, nice comfortable pace. Really good stretches afterward. Was tired but recovered okay. Sleep sooooo well. So, this is completely overuling Michael Johnson in my ears telling me to take all these (for me, unnecessary) breaks and it's highly motivating to me. I carry a clicker in my hand and click it once for each half minute of my run. Every run I have to push that bit more. Looking at the numbers go up very quickly is very motivating for me. At this rate I will be doing 5k by the end of week 4. One caveat, it's pretty much all in the park on grass, very little tarmac. Not planning road race, just park runs with nature and sunshine....and progressive trance!
Did 4k in week 3: Week three, run 6 and 7. I... - Couch to 5K
Did 4k in week 3

I worry you’re pushing too hard 🙁
You can’t short cut your way to fitness. It has to be built gradually Trying to short circuit the process will get you hurt
We all want to lose weight and be fit, but being on the injury bench is terrible, so take care ! The programme is structured properly. Ignore it at your peril 😬
Sorry to be a nag but someone has to be 😁

I share misswobble’s concerns.
What you are doing isn’t Couch to 5k. That isn’t necessarily a bad thing but you are “off piste” for us to understand and support your running.
I’m guessing from what you have posted here )not having had chance to look back at anything earlier) that you are already very fit?

Listen to misswobble ..just follow the plan..it is the only way .
Thanks for the concern but you do not need to worry. In my thirties I would regularly roller blade all over London. 15 Mile sessions in 3 hours. I built up a lot of muscle memory and aerobic fitness. I let all that go but it's coming back so quickly with clean living. I have not had a drop of booze in 6 weeks; salad, pulses, proteins, the right fats, doing weight, burpees, press ups, star jumps and running. Lost 9kg in one month. I'm an all or nothing kind of person. I know I'm off piste but what I am doing is definitely couch to 5k and I'm very nearly there. For sure, this programme has way too many breaks for me. My pace is easy, HR is not above 124 at end and mostly is at 118 so I'm firmly in the burn zone. Thanks for your kind words. Good luck. I'll let you know when I get to 5k. Not stopping there. Will aim for 10k by the end of 10 weeks.
I think the issue is, that we have new and very vulnerable runners on here, and we as Admin have a duty to try to guide them, to keep them injury free and help support their running.
This forum follows C25K.... and that is a very steady and structured 9 week programme...intended to get our runners to 30 minute runs after 9 weeks.
This is what this forum follows and supports and all posts and replies will reflect those aims...
Clearly, as you say yourself, you are very fit, and you are moving much faster than that, so maybe, this particular C25K programme is not the one you need to be following and posting on
Lucky number 7. Week 4, ran runs 9 and 10 into one. 5.5k in 50 minutes. Done it. 😃 Basically a whole lap of Tooting Bec common, plus the run there and back from office. I know I've not stuck with the program but the old fitness has come back pretty quick with clean living, loads of green stuff and no booze for 7 weeks. Next stop is 10k by week 10. Good luck everyone, and thanks for support so far! I very much appreciate it. This running business has been a revelation. I've got to know the park and spent hours in the trees. Beautiful, in the zone.