Having started out at the beginning of the programme convinced I wouldn’t get very far, I have been quietly surprised with my progress up to this point. Each new challenge was met with a positive attitude and a determination to succeed. My breathing was getting better and my recovery times were improving. I felt generally healthier too.
Then I go to week 5. Essentially it’s not the run or the distance that’s the problem, I got my first injury. Back and hip pain to be precise. I had to quit during the middle of the third 5 minute run. On returning home I could barely walk up the stairs. It’s slightly better now but I am almost scared to run again because I don’t want to make it worse.
The trouble is I really want to go running again. I’ve got so far into the programme that I want to keep challenging myself. I miss feeling good about running.
How have other people dealt with injuries and perhaps more importantly the frustration of not being able to run?
PS I do appreciate the irony of being frustrated at not running when not too long ago I was permanently rooted to the sofa. Running is addictive.