After originally just gone for it, and ploughed through to week 7 shin splints issue made me reconsider my approach. After some sports physio advice I had a rest, got myself a shin splint exercise programme, and finally got back into things about two weeks ago. However, I seem to be stuck at this stage where running three lots of five minutes doesn't seem to get any easier and I'm reluctant to move on to Run 2 of Week 5 until I've sorted Run 1. I can complete the three lots of 5 mins without walking, but the shins hurt a bit and I don't want to move up to two 8 mins runs if it's going to hurt more. Has anyone had similar experience, and if so what has been your approach to sorting it out? I'm grateful for any advice out there. Cheers, Nigel
Stuck at Week 5, Run 1.: After originally just... - Couch to 5K
Stuck at Week 5, Run 1.

Hi NigelS, I’m starting week 7 and since the beginning I’ve had problems with my shins and tight calves from the beginning still do now but not half as bad. My runs do consist of run miss a day run miss a day. So it does allow me to repeat an extra run each week. I’ve tried compression socks and KT tapes with nothing really changing. However I’ve powered through and I must admit me just pushing myself and now running 25 mins straight the legs have eased off a lot. Are you having plenty of water too as I feel this helps. I hope this helps

Are you running at the easy conversational pace described in the guide to the plan?
If you are fully completing each run, then try moving on. None of the C25K workouts are going to miraculously become effortless, but by continuing to push the challenge to your body, you will be capable of handling more. At the end of the plan we recommend that you consolidate for enough runs for that 30minute/5k duration to become comfortable........... although it is not going to suddenly become easy.
You might find this post about mental approach helpful
It sounds like the only thing sticking you at W5 is you........ you can do this.
Thank you for this response, it's much appreciated. You're right re mental approach as the thing that is at the forefront of my mind when in the running phases is 'how much time is left on the clock'. I might start playing some podcast or something to distract myself...

I agree that it never feels easy on the programme as its progressive. Even today, a while after graduating, I did a week 9 re-run and it felt really hard!
I suffered with sore shins at around the same time on the programme as you and looked up that its often down to stiff calf muscles so I spend a good long time doing stretches post run paying particular attention to ensuring that inside, outside and down the back of calves is done. Its worked really well. I am now running regularly with no issues.