I can't actually believe that this couch to 5k thing works - I really really never thought I'd see the day but in 9 weeks I have gone from a many times tried and failed non-runner to someone who not only CAN but also actually kind of enjoyed every minute of it?!
I started this after 5 years of inactivity and having babies. I was really worried about my heart rate which was too high for someone in their thirties. At the end of the course it's come down by a clear 15-20 beats a minute which is better than I could have hoped for and all the motivation I need to keep on running.
I just wanted to say that although I haven't been a regular contributor I have found this forum to be the font of all wisdom and such a supportive and friendly community - I have really enjoyed following everyone's progress from the sidelines and taken some great advice from so many of you.
I'm not signing out but I just wanted to say a heartfelt thanks, and to everyone where-ever you are on the journey - keep on running!