Hi, I am new here. I have just completed W6R1 and am very pleased with my progress. I started training as I wanted to prepare for the Race For Life, which I am doing next weekend. I have a problem though that I get a pain my neck/ back of my head after running, I am sure it is a muscle thing. Any advise on the best running technique to prevent this? It is not putting me off but is not a pleasant end to my runs. Thank you.
How do I stop my neck hurting after running? - Couch to 5K
How do I stop my neck hurting after running?

Could be tension, try to relax the shoulders, but keep them back with chest out..arms at 45deg going just in front of the body..
I had this to start with and stiff shoulders and my daughter said someone told her to do “penguin arms” for a while. When you feel you shoulders tense up flip your arms down by your sides like a penguin and just let them flap as you run for a little while. It helps......and it makes you chuckle which also helps shoulders relax. 😜
Concentrate on your posture and keep reminding your self to correct it, especially if you feel your head and\or shoulders are dropping forward a bit.
I’ve just had physio for this! Had same issue a few weeks back and didn’t improve. Didn’t bother me when running but did at night and when sat still. The muscles in my neck were worked through with a sports massage yesterday and acupuncture. Feels much better today and no headache. I thought it would sort itself but didn’t. So glad I had it done.

Had the same. “Force” your shoulders to relax - sounds wrong, but make them drop while you run.
But I love the sound of penguin arms! Going to try that.
Also make sure you're head isn't tipping back slightly (a bad habit of mine).