Yesterday I set out to do w8r1 on a trail - it was lovely, sunny and about 17 degrees, perfect conditions for a shady trail run! There were geese and ducks out on the water, little squirrels scuttling about and birds hopping and fluttering away from the trail when I came near. I was a little concerned about bears as they've woken up and there are lots of reports of sightings (I'm in Canada), so my eyes were less trained on the trail ahead than usual, and were scanning ahead to make sure I wasn't about to surprise a mama bear with cubs. About 7 minutes in, I rolled my ankle when my toes caught on a tree root that was well disguised by shadows. UGH!
Cue immediate thoughts of "Noooo... I'm set to graduate this month, this isn't happening! I was going too fast, wasn't I, that was dumb. I wasn't watching my footing. No look, it really is hard to see... it could have happened to anyone. But not anyone would have sprained their ankle, why me, why does the universe not want me to run? Its going to be fine, everything will be fine, chill out. First my knees, now this... am I meant to run? Even real athletes get injuries, and they get over them, it's going to be fine."
It hurt enough that I sat for a couple minutes to assess what I'd managed to do to myself, I could walk on it with only a little pain and decided to walk back out. I did have a fleeting moment of thinking about how embarrassed I'd be to call my coworker friends near by to come rescue me if I did have a significant injury. Today it feels like the outside of my ankle is bruised but it isn't... think I've done something to a tendon, there is a mildly uncomfortable pulling sensation when I walk, but it isn't painful to weight bare, no swelling, so I'm hoping that's a sign it's pretty minor.
I'm going to head over to the IC for now, sigh. I know I'm doing the right thing not to run on it, but I really wanted to graduate this month!! I'm planning to be out of town this weekend and thinking I'm going to leave the shoes at home to avoid temptation and see where I'm at next Tuesday and go from there... back to running or to the physiotherapist
In the meantime, I was able to do yoga this morning with no pain at all, so I'm glad I have some alternate movement I can continue with.
Feeling worried that my cardio is going to go down and that I'm going to lose some of my hard earned progress. Sigh!