Did w3R1 this time last week and my knee hurt like hell , proper limp running etc. Spoke with mates who are runners, advice differed from Run through it, to don’t do any damage and take a break. I felt really gutted as I was really up for this. Anyhoo, rested a full week, and went out today to repeat R1W3 and it went ok!!!! Yes, knee grumbled a whole lot but no worse than last week, and a dose of ibuprofen helped obvs. Feeling more motivated again!!!!
Week off, bad knee.......: Did w3R1 this time... - Couch to 5K
Week off, bad knee.......

Never run through pain and taking painkillers just masks other issues... hidden damage is just that..hidden...
Try these exercises...
We are not medical experts, but will always give the same advice re running through pain..

Hi Clare. I suffered too with knee pain at this stage but carried on with a knee support. Just done W4R1 no pain at all. Good luck
I've just started week 2 and my knee is killing me, do knee supports work? I don't want to take a week off to rest, I'm in the zone now and feel guilty if I don't run
What knee support do you use please?
I just bought a Velcro one from Tesco. It was about £10. Also kept an eye on my gait. Small steps, keeping leaning forward slightly so my knee was under my hip rather than striding out. Also not going too fast and bouncy....more shuffle 😄. However, I’m no expert and others may have better advice. Also use a foam roller for recovery as recommended by a chiropractor and much better runners than me. Got one £7 from amazon. Good luck